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About Bright Horizons Phoenix Day Nursery and Preschool
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children develop extremely strong bonds with staff in this warm and welcoming setting. They feel safe and secure because of the attentive and caring nature of staff.
Babies settle incredibly quickly in the nursery. They instantly become familiar with the routine of the day. For instance, they move towards the gate in the garden when it is time for lunch.
Children behave exceptionally well. They play harmoniously with each other, sharing toys and resources. Children have a deep-rooted respect for their peers and staff.
Their already high self-esteem is raised further with positive praise from staff. For ...instance, children are commended as they work hard to mix play dough together and make new colours. Children demonstrate exceptionally high levels of focus.
They instinctively make their own choices from the extremely well-resourced and inviting learning environment. Children are articulate in communicating their interests. They describe to staff how they would like an ice-cream parlour.
Their ideas are swiftly responded to as staff help the children create this. Children role play serving ice cream to their friends and staff. Children are enthusiastic, highly motivated and eager to learn.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children develop superb communication and language skills. Staff skilfully weave opportunities for developing new language through activities. For example, babies enjoy singing songs with staff members, choosing objects from a bag that represent their favourite songs.
They learn signs that relate to the songs they sing. They then use these signs in their everyday experiences. For instance, they sign 'thank you' to staff as they are served their food.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive outstanding support. Staff fully understand the needs of the children. Parents are completely involved in decisions regarding their children's needs.
They speak highly about the excellent support their children receive, such as preparing for their transition to school. The dedicated special educational needs coordinator inspires her colleagues, sharing her exceptional knowledge with them. This helps children with SEND to achieve their full potential.
Children develop their independence from a very young age. Babies are encouraged to use tools, such as spoons, to feed themselves while staff support them. The oldest children are completely confident in meeting their own needs.
They scrape their plates at the end of mealtimes and collect their food from the chef, carrying their plates carefully. As a result, they are completely prepared to meet their own needs when they move on to school.Leaders and staff are extremely passionate and reflective in their practice.
Focused support and training opportunities help staff to raise the level of teaching to an exceptionally high standard. Managers encourage staff to build on the areas that they are particularly interested in. This helps staff to be influential in shaping the vibrant and broad curriculum and make positive changes to the provision.
Children's voices and input are highly valued. Staff instinctively adapt their plans as children choose to listen to the sounds of nature around them, before speaking freely about what they heard using the 'talking stick'. Staff's enthusiasm spreads to the children, resulting in a deep respect for their natural surroundings.
Children become remarkable storytellers. Staff support children to share their ideas when they are younger. They build on children's ideas, encouraging them to extend these further.
When children are older, staff help them to write stories and document their ideas. A dedicated reading room ignites children's passion for books as they learn about characters in a book that are hidden in a tree. Children become imaginative and articulate as a result of this exceptional support.
Children's and adults' well-being is at the heart of the nursery ethos. Children enjoy yoga sessions in the garden as they learn to focus on their breathing and feel the stretch in their muscles. Leaders give staff's welfare high priority.
Staff state they feel highly appreciated. Staff receive treats to boost their morale and have opportunities to take on additional responsibilities to develop their roles. This enhances their job fulfilment.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate excellent awareness of the signs and symptoms of potential abuse and/or neglect. They are clear about how to report a concern.
Leadership and management have clear expectations of staff, which is followed up with regular training to ensure staff are fully aware of any risks and what action to take. Staff teach the children the importance of keeping themselves safe. For example, children take their time walking down the steps, holding on to the handrail.
Staff work with children in the woodland. Children can confidently explain to visitors the rules of entering the woodland. They understand why staff undertake the rigorous risk assessment before they enter.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.