Bright Horizons Raynes Park Day Nursery And Preschool
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About Bright Horizons Raynes Park Day Nursery And Preschool
Bright Horizons Raynes Park Day Nursery And Preschool
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The new manager and staff have worked hard to improve the quality of practice at the setting. They have made significant improvements since their last inspection. For example, staff have received tailored training to improve their teaching and interactions.
Children receive high quality care and education. Staff are warm and welcoming and children happily arrive and say goodbye to their parents, keen to see their friends and start their day. Staff provide tailored settling in sessions when children start and transitions through the nursery are effective.
Staff know the children well and support them to build positive r...elationships with their peers. They have a good understanding of how children learn and confidently describe what their key children can do and what they want them to do next. Staff plan activities to support and extend children's learning and provide a wide range of sensory activities.
For example, babies delight in exploring the texture cornflour, moving their hands around in it and making different marks. Older children enjoy discovering how ice melts, looking at what they can do to help it melt faster to rescue a hidden animal. Staff support children's behaviour well.
They use different strategies such as emotion sticks to support children to help regulate their feelings and sand timers to support sharing and turn taking. Children are well behaved and kind and considerate.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The new manager is an effective leader and has a good grasp on her team and how to support her staff.
She has made several valuable improvements since becoming the manager that has had a positive impact on the setting. For example, parents are now allowed to come into the setting ands have more face to face time with the staff in their children's room's. Parents value this change.
The manager and staff team are very reflective and constantly look at what they are doing well and what they could improve on. They collect feedback from parents and other professionals including internal audits and use these ideas to make changes. For example, they have developed the layout of the rooms to provide a better flow and more quiet calm spaces for children to enhance their communication skills.
Staff are well supported and have regular supervisions and staff meetings. They also attend tailored training to meet their professional development needs. For example, staff have recently attended Nurture training and have learnt about children's brain development and how to look at things from a child's point of view.
This has had a huge impact on their confidence and raised the quality of teaching and outcomes for children.The manager and staff have very good relationships with parents. They have access to an online application and see photos and daily feedback.
Parents are also invited to regular events to discuss their child's development and to find out about the curriculum. The manager wants to continue to develop their partnerships so parents feel fully involved in their child's journey while at nursery.The manager has worked with staff to make changes to the layout of the nursery, especially in the baby room.
However the toddler room layout could be reviewed further to ensure all children can access their chosen resources to meet their individual needs.Staff support children's early language skills well. They talk slowly and clearly and introduce new vocabulary to extend children's learning.
However, at times they don't give children enough time to think and respond to questions and express their own ideas.Staff support children with Special educational needs and/or disabilities well. They work closely with other professionals and offer targeted support to ensure all children make good progress from their starting points.
Staff provide an interesting environment and children confidently explore the activities on offer. They have positive attitude towards learning, are curious and are keen to try new things. For example, children delight in observing different insects, they talk about where they live, what they eat and are interested in creating their own pictures of them.
The manager and staff understand their curriculum and how children learn. They closely monitor each child and quickly address any gaps in children's development. All children make good progress and are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.
Staff support children to develop their independence skills. Young children are encouraged to feed themselves at meal times. In the toddler and preschool rooms, children make choices about when they want their food and delight in serving themselves and pouring their own drinks.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the layout in the toddler room to ensure all areas of learning are available for children and they can make choices in their play build on the good teaching practice in place and ensure all staff give children enough time to think and formulate ideas for themselves.
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Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.