Bright Horizons Southfields Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Bright Horizons Southfields Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Bright Horizons Southfields Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Dunsthill Mill, 21 Riversdale Drive, London, SW18 4UR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The manager and staff create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where all children and families feel they belong. Children easily separate from their parents and eagerly start their day full of exciting learning experiences. The manager and staff develop positive relationships with children from the start, and this helps children to feel happy, safe and secure at the nursery.

The manager and staff have clear intentions for every child's learning. They have high expectations of what individual children can achieve. As a result, children develop positive attitudes to learning and develop skills that prepare them for the next stage i...n their education.

The manager ensures that the curriculum is adapted for children who have gaps in their learning, to help them make the best possible progress. The manager and staff are committed to work effectively with other professionals to support children's development and help them to catch up with their peers. All children, including those who learn English as an additional language, progress well from their starting points.

Staff encourage children to follow daily routines and are clear about the rules and expectations. Children have a wealth of opportunities to develop independence and become confident learners. They develop good social skills and show kindness and respect towards one another.

Children learn to share and behave well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is a confident and enthusiastic leader. She knows her staff team well and is committed to support staff's professional development and emotional well-being.

The manager recognises that some staff, especially in the baby room, need more support than others. She has support plans in place to strengthen staff's teaching skills to enhance children's learning experiences. However, these are not fully embedded to provide consistently high-quality teaching.

Staff know children well, follow their interests and regularly assess their progress. They plan exciting learning experiences to build on what children already know. For example, children learn to use a range of tools with increasing control while they pretend to make pizzas.

This supports children's small-muscle movements in preparation for the next stage of learning. Children enjoy exploration with their senses and talk about textures and scents of fruit and vegetables.Children develop a love for books and listen to stories attentively.

They talk about familiar stories and recall what happens next. This supports their literacy and communication and language development. However, there are occasions when staff ask children too many questions and do not allow them enough time to answer before staff respond themselves.

This practice limits children's thinking, imagination and communication and language development.The manager and staff ensure that transitions between rooms are managed effectively. This gradual process helps children to feel emotionally secure as they settle into their new classroom.

Staff provide a wealth of opportunities for children of all ages to make marks. Children use a range of media to express their creativity. Pre-schoolers eagerly attempt to write their names.

Children benefit from regular access to fresh air, where their learning continues. For example, children problem-solve how water travels through the tubes and where it ends up.Staff encourage children to develop secure mathematical skills.

For example, they praise children's efforts as they count in sequence, use mathematical language and recognise shapes.Staff focus well on children's emotional well-being. For example, they support children to manage their emotions when their new siblings arrive.

Parents express that they are very happy with the high level of care and education their children receive. Staff encourage parents to share children's learning from home and this provides continuity in children's learning and development. Parents feel fortunate that staff understand their children's uniqueness and help them to progress well.

They are regularly invited to the nursery to celebrate special occasions with children.The manager ensures that staff regularly update their safeguarding knowledge and know how to report concerns about children and staff. She deploys staff effectively to keep children safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to support less skilled staff to build on their teaching skills, to enhance children's learning experiences provide children with enough time to think about and answer questions in their own time, to enhance their thinking, imagination and extend their communication and language skills even further.

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