Bright Horizons Windsor Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Bright Horizons Windsor Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Bright Horizons Windsor Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 240 St Leonards Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3DX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WindsorandMaidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children enjoy the time that they spend at the nursery. They develop strong trusting relationships with staff, which helps to support their emotional well-being. Babies and toddlers enjoy cuddles and benefit from the reassurance staff offer, to help them settle into new routines.

Children are confident, happy and safe. Older children grow in confidence, as they manage some age-appropriate tasks independently. For instance , they learn how to tidy away toys in readiness for meal times.

When they have finished eating, they clear away plates and eagerly help staff wipe tables. Children learn the importance of keeping thei...r environment safe.Children behave well.

Toddlers happily share favourite toys with their friends and older children listen to, and take account of the ideas of their peers as they play. For instance, as pre-schoolers consider how best to treat their 'patient', they share suggestions and value the differing ideas friends have. This contributes to the good personal, social and emotional development children make, to support their future learning well.

Staff provide a varied curriculum, to motivate children's play and learning. For instance, pre-school children learn about the anatomy of millipedes and how they can explore their environment using their antenna. Toddlers develop good physical skills, such as when they scoop sand and transfer this into buckets.

They develop good hand-to-eye coordination skills as they excitedly explore with different resources, scooping, tipping and filling using spades and sieves.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is a strong leader. She is passionate about providing high-quality care and education that supports children to become well-rounded individuals.

The staff team have undergone a period of change, which has been managed well. Staff say that they feel valued and supported by the management team. There is strong teamwork and managers and staff share the same high aspirations for all children.

Children's behaviour is good. Staff are positive role models and use their daily routines to teach children kindness and courtesy. When children need gentle reminders of the expectations within the nursery, staff offer guidance and support.

Children listen and respond to staff requests quickly, they learn about behaviours that keep them safe. For instance, as pre-school children use scissors, staff teach them to sit to cut paper as they learn to use tools safely.Staff teaching is good.

Children enjoy learning and are keen to take part in all learning experiences. Activities provide challenge for children and are adapted to their unique interests. However, at times, staff knowledge of what they want children to learn is less well explored.

Consequently, teaching is not always tailored to support what children need to know or learn next as fully as possible.Opportunities for children to learn about the wider world are supported well within the nursery curriculum. For example, staff teach pre-schoolers about conservation.

They learn how they can recycle arts and craft materials and how fruits and vegetables can be composted. Children care for the nursery's guinea pigs, feeding them and maintaining their hutches to keep them safe. These opportunities help to ignite children's curiosity and contribute to the knowledge and enthusiasm they have for learning about the world around them.

Parents speak very positively about the nursery. They value the information staff gain about their children, including their care routines, likes and individual dietary needs. Staff tailor the care children need to ensure that home routines are followed closely.

They ensure children's allergies and dietary requirements are catered for and their well-being is supported. Parents say staff share children's key achievements, to keep them informed of the progress they make. Partnerships with parents are good.

Children, especially those who are younger, benefit from the key-person and buddy system to ensure that children receive consistent, high-quality care and education, when their key person is absent. Practitioners work well together to support a continuous approach to children's individual care needs. However, sometimes, the sharing of relevant information among staff does not ensure that all those working with children have the same precise knowledge of the learning intentions, to support all children fully.

Children's communication and language skills are good. Staff capture a variety of opportunities to introduce new language, and explain the meaning of new words. For example, babies learn the names of new colours as they listen to staff pronounce them and repeat back new words clearly.

Older children learn about 'herbivores' and 'carnivores' as staff use these new words in conversations, helping children to sound these new words out and explain what new words mean. Children learn and use new language rapidly, to support their confident communication skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge of how to keep children safe. The manager and staff have a clear understanding of the signs that may indicate a child is at risk of abuse or neglect. Staff are confident in how to report and escalate any concerns, including allegations against those working with children.

The management team follow robust and effective recruitment procedures to ensure that those working with the children are suitable to do so. The manager and staff complete regular training to ensure they are aware of wider safeguarding issues, such as county lines.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to implement the precise learning intentions of activities more effectively, so that they are clear about what skills and knowledge they want children to gain strengthen the arrangements to share relevant information among staff, so that all those working with children have the same precise knowledge to support their teaching further.

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