Bright Horizons Wish Park, Hove, Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Bright Horizons Wish Park, Hove, Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Bright Horizons Wish Park, Hove, Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 142 New Church Road, HOVE, East Sussex, BN3 4JD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BrightonandHove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Leaders have not followed the correct procedures to manage safeguarding concerns. This does not promote children's safety and welfare. However, this does not impact on the quality of education, and children enjoy their time at nursery.

All children benefit from an ambitious curriculum that is designed to ensure that they make the progress they are capable of. Staff plan engaging activities and they provide children with clear explanations of what they will be doing. This helps children to understand what is expected of them to enable them to join in.

Staff use resources well to extend children's learning. This in...cludes showing children pictures of different birds' nests as they make their own play dough nests. This prompts conversations where children can share their own knowledge with staff and their friends.

This enables children to practise their speaking skills. Staff are attentive and kind. They spend time getting to know children well so that they can support them to settle when they are at nursery.

Children respond positively to warm interactions from staff. They show that they have developed strong bonds with staff as they confidently approach them when they need support. Additionally, leaders have given careful consideration to how they can arrange the learning environment to improve children's experiences at nursery.

For example, the youngest children eat at adult-sized tables. This enables staff to have eye contact with them during mealtimes, which builds on the bonds children have formed with staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, and they are aware of the procedures they should follow if they have safeguarding concerns.

However, leaders do not ensure that procedures are always followed robustly enough in practice. For example, child protection concerns are not always referred in a timely manner, in line with local safeguarding partnership guidance. This does not safeguard children.

Leaders and staff have good oversight of children's development. They consider what they know about each child to decide what they want children to learn next. Leaders and staff closely monitor children's progress, which enables them to quickly identify whether children require additional support and to make prompt referrals when necessary.

They work in partnership with parents and other agencies. This helps children to receive appropriate support in their learning and development.Overall, children behave well and show a good attitude to learning.

For example, children enjoy playing with a sensory bucket. Staff extend this by encouraging them to use their senses to explore the contents, for instance by smelling the lemons and watching what happens as they squeeze them. This helps children to make connections and develop their knowledge of familiar objects.

However, on occasion, staff do not recognise when children are not engaged in their learning. At these times, staff do not guide children to join in with one of the activities around them to ensure they fully benefit from the learning opportunities staff provide.Staff support all children to build on their independence skills.

For example, they teach the youngest children to wipe their own noses and put their tissues in the bin afterwards. Older children learn to serve their own food during mealtimes with appropriate encouragement and support from staff. This helps children to learn to do things for themselves.

Children enjoy the range of opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. For example, when staff sing songs to them, children watch with fascination and attempt to join in with the words and actions. Additionally, staff show children physical objects when they name them, which helps children to develop an understanding of the meaning of words.

Children benefit from many opportunities to learn about the world around them. For instance, leaders have previously arranged for children to visit the local gallery to see their own artwork being displayed alongside other art pieces. Additionally, children have regular visits with the local park ranger and the retirement home.

This enables children to engage with, and develop their knowledge of, their local community.Parents appreciate the amount of time children are able to spend outside and the variety of activities that support their development. They are kept informed of relevant information about their child.

Leaders also provide opportunities for parents to get involved with the nursery, such as by talking to children about their jobs or reading stories to them. This helps parents to be included in their child's time at nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure leaders consistently implement robust safeguarding procedures in line with the local safeguarding partnership guidance.03/12/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to recognise and respond when children are showing they would benefit from more adult interactions to engage in their learning.

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