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About Bright Kids Matchborough
Bright Kids Matchborough
Matchborough First School, Matchborough Way, REDDITCH, Worcestershire, B98 0GD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this welcoming and friendly club.
They are excited to arrive and confidently enter the club. Children are keen to know what activities have been planned for them, many of which complement children's learning at school. For example, following on from learning about the solar system at school, children enjoy joining in with craft activities.
They persevere and concentrate well as they create rockets. Children continue to develop the skills they need to help them at school. They develop their independence skills.
For example, they help to make their own snack and wash up afterw...ards. Children take care of their own belongings, hanging their coats and bags up as they enter the club. Children behave well and are polite and considerate towards one another.
Staff have high expectation of the children and encourage them to contribute to making the rules of the club. Children are routinely asked to complete tasks to earn rewards. There is a reward jar for different 'houses' and the winning 'house' with the most reward points wins a prize.
There is also a 'star of the week' award where children get nominated for special achievements.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are extremely passionate about providing children with a welcoming, safe and inclusive club, in which they can relax and have fun at the end of a long day at school. The atmosphere of the club is positive and happy.
Staff build strong relationships with children, giving them plenty of smiles, praise, and encouragement. Staff readily join in with children's play and children respond well to this. This helps children to feel emotionally secure and promotes their sense of belonging within the club.
Partnership working with the school is excellent regarding the regular exchange of information. Staff relay messages from teachers and parents to help promote communication and consistency. Staff continue to follow on from the experiences offered within school, which continue to support children's learning.
Staff help children to learn the importance of healthy lifestyles. They benefit from daily outdoor opportunities where they engage in energetic games, such as skipping and ball games. Staff provide healthy snacks and drinks throughout the session and encourage children to try new foods.
Children are aware of the importance of good hand hygiene as they independently use the hand sanitizer when they arrive at the club.Staff provide opportunities for children to continue to develop their communication and language skills. During registration, children are eager to share their experiences and listen to others.
Staff engage children in frequent conversations and discussions. They take time to listen and value children's contributions.Parents speak highly of the club and express that they feel the staff are 'fantastic'.
They say that their children really enjoy attending, are provided with a good range of activities and make good friendships with others attending. Parents say that their children are disappointed when it is a day that they do not usually attend the club and often, when they arrive to collect them, their child does not want to come home.Leaders provide regular one-to-one meetings for all staff.
This provides them with the opportunity to discuss the children they care for, their roles and responsibilities and their training needs. Managers and staff continually reflect on the effectiveness of their provision and set areas to improve upon. For example, they are keen to continue to develop their environment to ensure children are inspired with curiosity and wonder.
Staff are good role models for children's behaviour. They show respect for children's thoughts and feelings. For example, if children have not had the time to finish their play, staff sensitively explain that they will save this for them to finish the next time they attend.
Staff talk to the children about the rules of the club which are be kind to friends, listen to adults, remember to say please and thank you, and always remember to have fun. This helps the children to understand the rules and, as a result, children behave well.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child's welfare and how to deal with allegations. Staff supervise children well. They ensure all indoor and outdoor areas are checked before children arrive and throughout the session.
They manage the security of the club well, ensuring that only authorised persons can enter. There are effective recruitment and induction procedures in place to ensure staff's suitability to work with children. All staff are qualified to administer first aid, which protects children in the event of an accident.