Bright Sparks Child Care

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About Bright Sparks Child Care

Name Bright Sparks Child Care
Ofsted Inspections
Address Poplar Avenue, Castleford, West Yorkshire, WF10 3QJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive enthusiastically at nursery and greet staff warmly. They confidently say goodbye to parents, register their arrival and eagerly engage in play.

Children explore the wide variety of activities and quickly become engrossed, demonstrating increasing levels of concentration. They form secure relationships with staff who recognise and value their individuality. Children receive the encouragement they need to build on their individual interests and make good developmental progress.

Staff are very good role models; they are kind and respectful in their interactions. They encourage children to think about how t...heir actions may affect others. Children begin to understand and follow the rules of the nursery.

For example, children tell their friends when there are too many playing on the raised deck. They remind others they need to put boots on to jump in puddles. Staff provide good opportunities for children to develop an understanding of their local community.

For example, children collect food for a community food bank and take part in a sponsored fun day to raise money for a local cause. Staff encourage children to recall these activities and their own experiences, including talking about their families. This promotes their communication and language development.

Staff support children's developing independence well. Children learn to manage their own personal needs, which contributes to their self-confidence, particularly in preparation for school.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team is very strong.

They highly value their staff team and recognise and celebrate the good work they do. Ongoing support for professional development means staff continue to develop their skills. This has a positive impact on the education and care provided to children.

Close working with other professionals and outside agencies means children are further supported. For example, there are effective partnerships with the area special needs coordinator. This ensures children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive specific care and learning opportunities.

Staff monitor all children's progress and use additional funding effectively. One-to-one support is used to ensure that any gaps in children's learning narrow.Effective self-evaluation is informed by staff's and parents' views and children's progress.

Management and staff take rapid action to address any areas for improvement identified. Staff discuss and reflect on how well activities motivate children. This helps them to keep children engaged in learning experiences to ensure they make good progress.

However, a recently introduced planning system is not yet fully embedded in order to ensure children are supported to make more rapid progress.Staff are keen for children to develop their speech and language skills in all areas of play. Most staff are particularly skilled at this.

For example, they start questions with clear open-ended phrases, such as, 'What do you think?' However, at times, other staff ask too many questions during activities. They do not always give children the time they need to think of a response before they ask a further question or offer their own suggestion. Staff offer good support to children who speak English as an additional language.

They use picture prompts and speak in clear, short sentences. This helps children as they begin to understand and speak English.Children demonstrate positive attitudes to learning.

They proudly demonstrate their physical skills as they dig soil to plant seeds they have taken out of a pumpkin. Younger children demonstrate good hand-to-eye coordination as they pour water from different-sized vessels down drain pipes. They are excited as they see the water flow back into the water tray.

Older children are skilled at using small tools, including hammers and screwdrivers. They understand how to use these safely, demonstrating increasing control in their fine-motor skills.Partnerships with parents are a priority for staff.

Parents speak very positively about the nursery, the friendliness of the staff team and how happy their children are to attend. They are pleased with how much progress their children make. Staff provide parents with regular updates about children's current interests and learning, so they can support them at home.

A nursery lending library and a storybook challenge engage parents successfully. These experiences help parents to support children's developing literacy skills and promote a love of books.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard children and can capably describe procedures for working with relevant agencies to protect children from harm. Safeguarding information is clearly displayed in pertinent places to remind everyone of their duty to report concerns. Detailed guidance enables staff to understand wider safeguarding issues that may affect children and is readily available.

Stringent recruitment and vetting arrangements help ensure that those working with children are suitable for their role. Detailed risk assessments are completed daily to maintain a safe environment.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nembed and refine recently introduced planning systems and support staff in meticulously planning what children need to learn next nensure staff do not overwhelm children with questions during activities and allow children enough time to think and respond before staff move on.

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