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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children happily say goodbye to their parents and run to join their friends when they arrive at the nursery.
They choose their play and quickly settle. Children have good relationships with their key person and turn to them for help and comfort. For example, when babies drop their toys out of reach, they cry out, and staff immediately respond.
Children play together harmoniously and are supported by staff to use 'kind hands' and to take turns. Attentive staff intervene quickly if frustrations occur. Children are respectful to each other, asking if they can use tools other children are using.
Children have plen...ty of opportunities to explore a wide range of inviting activities. For example, they enjoy physical challenges and also benefit from time and space to rest and relax. Leaders place high priority on developing children's curiosity, confidence and independence.
Children take the lead in activities, and staff support them as they gather resources from other areas to extend their play. For example, children transport coloured water from the water tray to use in the mud kitchen. This gives them opportunities to try out new ideas and deepen their understanding.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager has a clear vision for the curriculum, and staff are currently implementing changes to help them follow children's lead in their play. Staff report that this is positive and children are more engaged in their play. They concentrate for longer periods and are calmer.
Staff feel supported and valued by leaders and their colleagues, which benefits their well-being and morale.Staff have a good understanding of how to develop children's language and communication. Staff are attentive and respond to babies' new words by repeating them back, which makes the babies grin with pride.
Children are supported with an appropriate level of speech in all that they do. This helps to develop their growing vocabulary across all areas of the curriculum.Children have many opportunities to develop their physical skills.
For instance, babies negotiate the slide in the garden. Toddlers use tools with play dough and develop strength in their fingers as they pinch small pieces of dough. Children are determined to balance balls on bats, trying again and again to master the skill.
Older children persevere in their use of scissors to cut flowers, leaves and twigs for their potions. Children use climbing equipment independently with excitement. Staff support children to understand their own capabilities, reminding them of the safety rules, such as asking for an adult to be close by when using particular climbing frames.
This helps children to learn to manage risk in their play.The manager monitors staff practice. However, at times, this is not fully effective.
For example, in her observations of staff, she focuses on positive aspects of the quality of education and sometimes does not securely identify all areas for development. This impacts on the implementation of the curriculum.Parents are very pleased with the care their children receive at the nursery.
Parents build strong relationships with staff and value the advice they receive when they ask questions. Parents concerned by the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on their children report that children have made good progress in their social skills. They note that their children are happy when they arrive at nursery and when they are collected.
Staff weave mathematics throughout the curriculum effectively. Toddlers learn that you can cut one big potato into many smaller pieces. Staff count with children, waiting for them to repeat the numbers before continuing.
Older children spontaneously count in play. This knowledge helps prepare children for the next stages in their learning.Staff encourage children to develop routine practices to support health.
Children wash their hands before eating, and they use the toilet independently. Staff remind children to drink regularly. Children demonstrate good levels of independence, such as pouring their own drinks and learning to use cutlery correctly.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders understand their role to ensure that all staff take responsibility to safeguard children. Staff know the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect.
They know what to do if children sustain injuries outside the nursery. They have knowledge of safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation, the 'Prevent' duty and the effects on children of domestic violence. Staff know the reporting procedures of the nursery and who to contact outside the nursery if they are worried.
Staff know what to do if they witness colleagues behaving inappropriately towards children. The nursery has effective risk assessment procedures to reduce safety risks to children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: refine monitoring of staff practice to help focus on the effective implementation of the intent for learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.