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Brimstage Village Hall, Brimstage Road, Brimstage, WIRRAL, CH63 6HD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure at this small, friendly nursery.
For example, babies happily explore their environment when their key person is in the room. Older children confidently ask staff for help with trickier tasks, such as fastening zips on coats. Staff have high expectations for children.
They talk passionately about inspiring children to develop a love of learning from an early age. Across the nursery, they plan a highly stimulating environment to ignite children's curiosity. For example, babies and toddlers show fascination as they enjoy a wide range of sensory experiences, such as explo...ring cornflour and water.
Older children observe how ingredients change when they add herbs to dough. Overall, staff interactions support children's early language development well. For instance, staff provide a narrative to describe babies' and toddlers' actions.
However, staff do not consistently use opportunities to extend older children's thinking skills. Staff are positive role models. They use calm voices and are polite.
This supports children to develop good social skills. For example, toddlers pass toys to their friends. Older children take turns and share without prompting.
Parents comment positively about the information they receive concerning children's development and well-being at nursery. Staff can build on these good relationships to provide more ideas for parents, to support children's learning and development at home.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There is a strong focus on supporting children to develop their early literacy skills across the nursery.
For example, children enjoy a wide range of mark-making opportunities such as painting. Staff encourage older children to write for a purpose, for example making lists as they engage in pretend play. Staff display books attractively in all areas of the nursery to spark children's interest in early reading.
For instance, as toddlers enjoy playing with toy zoo animals, they notice a relevant book displayed in the area. They show delight when they find images of animals that look like the toy animals they are playing with. Older children listen attentively to stories and excitedly join in with familiar phrases.
Staff skilfully weave singing into activities and routines throughout the day.Staff know children well. Overall, they use interactions effectively to build on children's existing skills and knowledge.
For instance, as babies and toddlers play, they discuss size and shape. Staff add words to what toddlers say, such as 'orange ball'. However, on occasions, staff do not make maximum use of opportunities to extend older children's thinking skills.
Children enjoy a wide range of healthy, nutritious meals prepared on the premises. Staff further support children to learn about healthy lifestyles in an enjoyable way. For instance, children enjoy using real fruit and vegetables to make pretend meals for their friends.
Staff use this as an opportunity to discuss the importance of eating vegetables to stay healthy. They sing songs as they model thorough handwashing techniques. This encourages children to copy their actions.
As toddlers enjoy bathing dolls, staff talk to them about washing germs away. After lunch, children take responsibility for washing their own faces. This demonstrates that they are consolidating their learning.
Children relish their time outside. For example, babies enjoy climbing into the large sandpit. Toddlers squeal excitedly as they chase bubbles.
Older children enthusiastically shake parachutes up and down. This supports children to develop their early physical skills.Staff support children to manage their own behaviours from an early age.
They recognise children's efforts and offer praise and encouragement. This supports children to play cooperatively together. For example, toddlers negotiate space in the soft-play room.
Children have a positive attitude to learning new skills. For instance, babies show determination as they pull themselves up on furniture. Toddlers persevere as they climb steps to the slide.
The new management team talks passionately about raising the quality of this good provision to the highest possible level. Managers regularly monitor staff practice and provide training to help staff to broaden their good knowledge and skills. For instance, staff speak positively about the new system for planning.
They comment that this has reduced their workload and improved information sharing with parents. Staff can build on this good foundation to have a sharper focus on helping parents to support children's learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The designated safeguarding officer ensures that staff have regular training. This supports all staff to have a secure knowledge of how to keep children safe. For example, they confidently describe the local procedures to follow if they have concerns about children's safety or well-being.
The management team is alert to the risks of modern technology. For example, managers have rigorous policies and procedures around the use of mobile phones. Staff help children to learn ways to keep themselves safe.
For example, they take children for walks down local country lanes. This supports children to learn about road safety.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to maximise opportunities to challenge and extend older children's thinking skills build on the good relationships with parents, to have a sharper focus on helping them to support children's learning and development at home.