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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy attending this welcoming and inclusive club.
They enter excitedly and quickly become engaged in the wide range of activities that staff plan for them. There are plenty of exciting resources that are appropriate for the different ages of children who attend, linked to individual interests. Children are consulted about the activities that they would like to take part in.
They show great confidence as they create their own games. They demonstrate high levels of concentration and creativity as they thread to make skipping ropes and use craft materials to produce many creations. They beam with pride as... they invite their friends to admire the finished products.
Children are extremely kind to each other. They talk about the new friends that they have made at the club. Staff have high expectations for all children.
Children know and follow the club rules. Older children show kindness towards the younger children, such as teaching them to thread with accuracy and supporting them at lunchtime. Children behave well and when rare disagreements do happen, staff sensitively support children to come up with resolutions, acknowledging their feelings.
Children say that they feel safe at the club and describe it as 'fun'.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff team have a clear vision for the club. They regularly consult with the children and families to influence the improvements that they make.
All children are encouraged to become involved with the decision-making about the activities and experiences that are provided. Children feel valued and develop a sense of ownership of their club.Children's physical health is well supported.
They make healthy choices, such as keeping hydrated throughout the day, and talk about their favourite healthy meals. They benefit from many opportunities to be physically active, both indoors and outdoors. They demonstrate good control and coordination as they take part in football matches and take risks by balancing on the climbing equipment.
Children independently use their physical skills to pour their own drinks and cut up a vast selection of fruit at lunchtime.Children benefit from many opportunities to explore the natural world around them. They take great care as they find ladybirds and snails and use the natural resources to create a safe space for them.
When children spot a flower that has fallen out of the flower bed, they work together to replant it, hoping that it will grow again. Children show great care for all living things.Managers ensure there are many opportunities for staff to access training and support.
Staff are highly qualified and benefit from regular supervision meetings to discuss key issues and to reflect on their individual training needs. Staff thoroughly enjoy working at the club. They comment that it 'does not feel like work'.
This support from the managers helps staff to improve the quality of their practice.Staff have formed extremely good partnerships with some of the schools where children attend. For instance, they know the strategies that schools use to help children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and implement these.
However, staff have not yet fully established these links to the same level with all schools, to enable them to complement all children's learning to the same high standard. This said, staff communicate with all families when they drop off and collect their children to share necessary information.Parents are extremely complimentary about the wide range of activities that the club offers and the care that their children receive.
They value the level of communication provided by the club. Parents say that their children 'love coming to the club'. Children feed back to their parents that they have a great time and enjoy attending.
Partnerships with parents are effective.Staff know the children well and they have formed loving bonds. Staff act as good role models as they encourage children to wash their hands and use their manners.
These nurturing relationships support children to feel secure and self-assured.Children develop high levels of self-confidence. They can be heard laughing and giggling often.
Staff ensure that all children are encouraged to take part in activities, regardless of age or gender. They actively encourage discussions to challenge stereotypes when opportunities arise. Children are developing a positive attitude towards similarities and differences.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a secure knowledge of the signs that a child may be at risk of harm and the procedures to follow. Staff are confident with the procedures to follow should they have a concern about the manager or a staff member's conduct.
Robust recruitment procedures are followed and staff understand their responsibility to disclose any changes that may affect their suitability to work with children. Staff supervise children well and talk to them about how they can keep themselves safe. Children talk about how to keep safe online and how to use scissors and knives safely.