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Brixton Recreation Centre, 27 Brixton Station Road, LONDON, SW9 8QQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The atmosphere in the nursery is calm and children are very well settled. There is a warm and welcoming energy as soon as you enter the nursery. Children are immediately engaged and interested in the wide range of activities.
The relationship between staff and children is superb. Staff value and celebrate the children and this is reflected in the confidence the children have. The communication and language at the setting is outstanding and permeates all learning.
All children's voices are valued and listened to. In the baby room, staff and children have fun together, laughing and singing. The curriculum is excep...tional.
It has a holistic approach and is flexible to children's needs and interests, enabling all children to flourish and make outstanding progress. All staff have an excellent understanding of each child's starting points and work hard to build on children's experiences in the nursery. The setting embraces their community and makes excellent use of the leisure centre facilities to provide a unique and enriching learning experience for all the children who attend.
Children are immersed in the culture and community in which they live, which gives them a unique sense of belonging. Children build special relationships with each other and support each other in their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders understand the intent of the curriculum very well, and it is clear that staff in the rooms understand and implement it well.
There is a clear sequence of learning which works to build on children's previous understanding. The curriculum is ambitious and is delivered consistently across the two rooms. Children's interests drive the curriculum.
As a result, children are extremely well engaged and motivated to learn.Leaders and staff are very reflective in their practice and highly motivated to develop. Senior leaders work to support staff in their professional development.
They provide meaningful and thorough supervision meetings at timely intervals. The well-being of staff is a top priority for leaders, and they invest heavily to support staff.Healthy eating is a key focus and is embedded in the culture of the nursery.
Children have an excellent understanding of where their food comes from and what types of food are good for them. Mealtimes are very special occasions at the nursery. Children sit together with staff and have meaningful conversations.
Staff promote excellent language skills and provide an enriching environment for all children.Children from all backgrounds are very well supported in their learning. Children's needs are very well understood, and adjustments are made to ensure that children are able to make rapid progress.
Management, staff and families work well together to ensure the best possible outcomes for children.Children are confident in driving their own play. Staff consistently support children to be independent and make their own choices.
Staff extend activities seamlessly and work with the children to ensure each child is thriving and benefiting from the activity. For example, in an activity in the outdoor play area, children decide to build their own train using open-ended resources. The activity is led by children and their interest in the local train that passes by the nursery.
Children have enriching conversations about their local community and demonstrate an excellent understanding of their surroundings. Staff support learning by giving children opportunities to extend the experience, making suggestions such as collecting tickets for passengers and talking about destinations.Parents and carers feel part of the nursery and have very strong relationships with staff.
Parents have a real appreciation for the nursery and value the staff's support and care. They feel that their voices are listened too and that they are included in their children's learning. There is a really established sense of community between the nursery's families.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff at all levels demonstrate an excellent understanding of safeguarding procedures. Safeguarding policies and procedures are robust.
Staff are clear about how they would manage allegations against another member of staff. They can identity signs of abuse and know who to contact if they have concerns about the welfare of a child. Leaders demonstrate an excellent understanding of safer recruitment, which is supported by a human resources and compliance department.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.