Budbrooke House Childrens Nursery (Warwick) Limited
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About Budbrooke House Childrens Nursery (Warwick) Limited
Budbrooke House Childrens Nursery (Warwick) Limited
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children separate confidently from their carers and are eager to get involved in experiences on arrival at nursery.
The learning environment is stimulating and attractive, offering an exceptionally wide range of activities and experiences to support children's curiosity. Children are warmly welcomed by staff and they also greet their peers with enthusiasm.Children's health is given high priority.
There is realistic play equipment for children to develop their understanding of oral health and they use this extremely competently. In conversation with children about cleaning their teeth they say, 'We must clean our... teeth two times every day; once in the morning and again at bedtime.' Staff have high expectations of all children and never fail to promote their learning and introduce new vocabulary during interactions.
Children develop independence including managing their own hygiene and personal needs. Throughout the day, children demonstrate a high level of confidence to competently pour their own drinks, select their cereal and fruit, sweep up and clear away resources. They also choose which activities to become involved in.
Children are physically active, and classrooms reflect their interests and fascinations. Staff embed mathematical knowledge across the provision. For example, staff support children's simple addition skills using a range of numbers and mathematical symbols at the large whiteboard in the garden.
Children competently use numerals and mathematical symbols to write simple sums and answers.Children are currently learning about different occupations, such as doctors, dentists and police officers. There are a range of imaginative activities to support their learning.
Some children dress up in the role-play area, some are highly engaged in playing doctors with a range of equipment, and others create police officer figures in the art space. Children develop exceptional knowledge and outstanding skills across the seven areas of learning. They are highly motivated to learn and thrive and flourish in this nursery.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Dedicated leaders and managers use their extensive knowledge and skills to lead staff in achieving the highest standards for children. Staff describe the highly effective teamwork and communication across the setting. They feel exceptionally well supported.
Leaders and managers give staff frequent feedback on their performance and recognise and value their contributions to the team.Children make excellent progress. Staff deliver a broad ranging curriculum, which challenges all children.
They consolidate learning across the provision by revisiting activities to measure children's learning.Leaders, managers and staff are highly knowledgeable about how children learn. The curriculum focuses on developing independence skills and opportunities are maximised during the day for children to acquire and practise these skills.
For example, children actively remind each other to put things back where they belong, and they show perseverance in using an over the head method to put their coats on.Children display exceptionally high levels of engagement in activities. They explore resources and extend their knowledge by confidently seeking further information from adults.
Children role play putting out fires and talk about the role of firefighters. Staff immediately build on children's knowledge, pointing to and explaining about the fire extinguishers in the nursery.Children are highly motivated.
They confidently make choices and select play equipment. For example, children role-model circle time, with one child leading the session with props, as others listen and respond to their friend's questions.Children's communication and language is exceptional.
Staff are excellent role models and consistently extend children's vocabulary through thoughtful interactions. Children delight in numerous opportunities to explore songs and stories. They have extensive knowledge of Makaton, which they demonstrate throughout the day, for example saying please and thank you at mealtimes.
Children behave exceptionally well. They are involved in deciding what the nursery values are. These are displayed and children talk about them confidently, using them to remind others of expected behaviour.
Children demonstrate high levels of self-regulation, making positive choices about taking turns and sharing. For example, children successfully negotiate turn taking with toys in the sand tray.During the COVID-19 lockdown, the manager and staff maintained strong links with families.
They provided excellent ideas on how to continue children's learning at home and shared online story sessions with families.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are extremely well supported in the nursery. Staff work successfully in partnership with parents to identify where children may benefit from additional support.
Staff work in close partnership with external agencies, ensuring that children have appropriate and targeted intervention.Relationships with parents are outstanding. All parents spoken to are incredibly complimentary about the nursery and staff.
They talk about the 'Budbrooke family' and how hard the team work to ensure an inclusive service. Parents comment on the high-quality learning experiences on offer and how well their children are prepared for transition to school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The leadership team and staff demonstrate an excellent understanding of their role in keeping children safe. They are extensively aware of the signs and symptoms which could indicate that a child is at risk of harm. The procedures are extremely robust and demonstrate a clear process to follow if staff have any concerns about the children or the behaviour of staff in the nursery.
Staff access a wide range of training to support their safeguarding practice. Leaders also check safeguarding knowledge, using quizzes in staff meetings. Extremely robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children and fully understand their roles.