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About Buddies Club
Buddies Club
Scotts Park Primary School, Orchard Road, BROMLEY, BR1 2PR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff keenly welcome all children to Buddies out-of-school club.
Younger children are collected from their classrooms from staff, while older children arrive independently from the school they also attend. Staff support children to listen, and follow routines as soon as they arrive. For example, children know to sanitise their hands on arrival to help to support good hygiene practices.
Children enthusiastically seek out their friends from school, find activities they enjoy, and settle quickly.Staff are good role models. They are polite, warm and friendly.
Staff skilfully adapt their levels of support and expectati...ons to meet children's individual needs. They consistently support children's positive behaviour. This helps children to settle quickly, behave well, and feel safe and emotionally secure.
Staff are attentive to the needs of all children and, overall, interactions are very positive. They quickly recognise when some children are distracted or not engaged. Staff sit and read stories from books children independently choose for themselves, to help to develop their interest in books.
Staff plan activities based on current festivals and celebrations, to help to promote children's home experiences, such as Diwali. They ensure that children always contribute to the planning of these activities, to overall promote their enjoyment. Children choose activities for themselves, and they are encouraged to make suggestions through a suggestions box.
This helps to develop children's self-esteem well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children enjoy their time at the club. They eagerly participate in some activities provided and have fun.
For example, they thoroughly enjoy scooping out pumpkin seeds. Staff encourage children to feel the 'slimy' texture. Children show high levels of concentration as they carve a pumpkin face.
Staff praise children as they show delight in their achievements. This helps to boost their confidence well. However, staff do not always reflect on daily opportunities available, to ensure that the play environment is consistently enjoyable and well planned.
Staff successfully boost children's confidence, such as during group and mealtimes. For example, older children use a visual board to tell children what is for tea, and every day they have the opportunity to tell each other jokes. For example, children and staff giggle and laugh at Halloween jokes.
Children benefit from a healthy light tea. They make cheese and ham bagels, and enjoy fresh fruit that children help to prepare with staff. Staff consistently promote good hygiene practices, such as when they prepare and serve meals, and encourage children to regularly sanitise their hands.
Staff join children in their play and, overall, interactions and engagement are positive. Although, there are times when some staff do not engage in activities to help to enthuse children to an even higher level.Key staff are assigned children in the early years age range, to help promote their emotional well-being and to meet requirements.
They find out key information from parents, and encourage young children to share what they know, can do and their interests. This helps to meet young children's individual needs. Young children settle very quickly and they are self-assured, confident and independent.
Parents say that they are extremely happy with the care provided. They say that their children do not want to leave, particularly during the summer months when children spend lots of time playing outdoors. Parents welcome regular opportunities to share their views and confirm that they feel valued.
Engagement with parents is very effective.The strong leadership team work very closely together, and with the staff team. Leaders regularly meet with teaching staff and leaders at the school where the club is based for a consistent approach.
This also helps to review practice and ensure that the club consistently provides good-quality care, and is inclusive to all children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.