Bumble Bees Day Nursery Limited

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About Bumble Bees Day Nursery Limited

Name Bumble Bees Day Nursery Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address 21 Inglis Road, Ealing, LONDON, W5 3RJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The highly skilled and nurturing staff and management team provide exceptional care and education for children. They apply excellent attention to detail in all areas of their practice to ensure best possible outcomes for all children.

As a result, all children thrive in the nursery. Staff are well trained and deployed well. They naturally respond to what children do and where they go.

Subsequently, children are safe, happy and their needs are met. Children are very comfortable in their environment. They benefit from rich and meaningful learning experiences, which staff adapt to suit them.

Staff approach... children with love and positivity. This helps children to be confident to try and have a go without fear of failure. As such, children develop into confident and inquisitive learners.

The nursery adopts a highly ambitious and thoughtful curriculum with children firmly at its heart. The curriculum is embedded and understood across the nursery. Consequently, children benefit from consistently high-quality early education.

Staff enthusiastically invite children to join them in exciting, well-planned and age-appropriate activities. Children are highly engaged and maintain concentration for prolonged periods as staff support and facilitate their individual fascinations. This supports children to develop a positive attitude to their learning.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are observant, attentive and sensitive to children's needs. This means that children feel secure and listened to. Bonds between staff and children are strong, as are relationships throughout the nursery.

Experienced staff role model the expected best practice to less-experienced members of the team. Staff effectively and consistently communicate with each other to maintain high standards of care in the rooms.Staff and the management team understand the complexities of children's behaviour and adopt a highly sensitive approach.

Staff have an extensive toolkit of methods for soothing behaviour and adapting practice to suit the needs of children in that moment. This means that children are calm and their behaviour across the nursery is excellent.Staff provide exceptional learning opportunities for all children.

Staff understand the need for repetition and familiarity to embed children's learning and develop their confidence. They accompany this with allowing children the freedom to explore. Staff achieve this balance with outstanding skill and sensitivity, and as a result, children flourish.

Highly competent staff skilfully lead and engage pre-school children with a familiar book. They take children on a well-sequenced journey, covering all areas of learning at a level appropriate to their development. Children are enthralled as they use their imaginations to balance a basket on their heads.

They show respect and listen to their friends as they count in different languages. Children remember previous experiences and staff use this to build on their existing knowledge.Staff in the baby room show exceptional care and tenderness towards infants.

Staff soothe children who are settling and gently tend to sleeping babies. Staff instinctively encourage infants to achieve their next steps, for example, playing peekaboo just out of reach to encourage them to move forward and join in. Once achieved, infants clap their hands and laugh in joyous accomplishment as staff shower them in praise.

Staff enjoy a range of training opportunities suited to their strengths, interests and job roles. For example, informed staff in the toddler room enthusiastically recall recent training relating to supporting two-year-old children. They cascade this knowledge to their peers and readily use it in the room to greatly benefit children.

For example, staff scaffold and build vocabulary to accommodate children's rapid language development.Staff and children worked collaboratively to design a fantastic outside area, which all children have regular access. Children enjoy risk and challenge, moving on surfaces of varying heights.

They have abundant opportunities for physical development. Staff play alongside children, encouraging them to problem solve as they dig in the sand and make castles.Leadership is strong.

The management team strives for excellence. It continually reviews and adapts provision to suit the evolving needs of the nursery. It works cohesively and endeavours to create positive working relationships with all stakeholders.

Parents are delighted with the level of service, sometimes travelling miles so their children can attend the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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