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44-46 Harrington Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6RF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children and parents receive a warm welcome from staff as they arrive at nursery.
They separate from main carers with ease and join their friends. Children show they feel safe and secure as they confidently explore activities and experiences set up across the play rooms. This ignites a sense of curiosity to support their learning.
Children squeal with delight as they join in a 'Gruffalo hunt' activity in the garden. They enjoy sharing what they know about the plot of the story. This is skilfully weaved into the game and is further extended where children are asked open-ended questions.
As a result, they receiv...e good levels of support to extend their language skills. Children have opportunities to practise their independence skills. For example, in the pre-school room they work cooperatively to lay the table for lunch.
Children concentrate as they hold small jugs and fill them from the water dispenser. They set jugs carefully on the table, so their friends can have a drink with their meal at lunchtime.Babies are mesmerised and deeply engage in sensory experiences by exploring bubbly water and paint.
They become very excited by the sound that silver foil and bubble wrap make as they push paint over this with their hands. Babies show confidence in exploring their environment and are keen to join in, showing high levels of involvement.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager has worked tirelessly to access support from the provider's internal quality and development teams, the local authority and outside professionals.
This has resulted in significant improvements since the last inspection. She has taken on board advice and guidance to cultivate an ethos of high ambition and aspiration to meet all previous actions. The manager and team show commitment and determination to improve and meet the needs of all children, particularly those who are most disadvantaged and need extra help.
Children have good levels of language. They listen and respond well to questions asked of them. Currently, they are learning about how to stay healthy and safe.
Children talk sociably at the meal table, they express the need for water when they are hot, and comment their meals makes their teeth and muscles strong. Consequently, children are making connections in how they can contribute to making healthy choices. To extend the theme of learning about health and staying safe, children engage with a visit from the police where they find out about road safety.
Staff provide children with a curriculum that builds on what they know and can do. Most staff use their good knowledge of child development and of the early years curriculum. This is to plan activities and experiences that capture children's interests and keeps them motivated to learn.
However, with a change in the staff team, a few individuals need extra help to develop their knowledge and teaching skills.Overall, staff support children's communication and language skills well. They listen to children with genuine interest and ask them questions to challenge their thinking.
However, on a few occasions, staff do not consistently give children time to pause and think, in order for them to craft a response to the question asked.Children have strong, positive relationships with their friends and key carers. They receive sensitive support if they get upset and are helped to recover swiftly, so they can get back to their play.
Currently, children are learning about coping with emotions through the introduction of story books that talk about feelings. Staff are teaching children breathing exercises and use sensory bottles as a way to help restore children's sense of calm. This means that children are learning how to contribute towards their own emotional well-being.
The support in place for children with special educational needs and /or disabilities has greatly improved. The manager works with the special educational needs coordinator, staff and families to ensure that children receive swift interventions. This includes working with outside professionals and to utilise strategies in individual support plans to help them catch up, so they can reach their highest potential.
Care practices are good. Staff support children sensitively with intimate care routines. They ensure they remain clean and comfortable, swiftly wiping noses of the youngest children and supporting them with handwashing after using the toilet and before mealtimes.
This contributes towards their good health.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Designated safeguarding leads have a good understanding of how to keep children safe and protected from harm.
The manager ensures staff attend safeguarding training and tests out their knowledge to provide assurance that they have a secure awareness of possible signs and indicators of abuse. All staff know the referral processes in line with local procedures. This includes reporting to the local authority designated officer if they have concerns about an adult working with children.
Staff have a good understanding about wider safeguarding issues, including county lines, domestic violence and non-mobile baby bruising protocols. Robust systems are in place for ensuring staff are suitable to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to build on staff's professional development to further improve the quality of teaching to the highest level develop staff's confidence in using purposeful questioning techniques to support thinking skills and to give children time to respond to any questions asked.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.