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Northside Road, St. Andrews Business Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0HT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children are excited as they follow the instructions on the 'welcome walk' into the nursery, where friendly and attentive staff meet them. Children are happy to separate from parents swiftly, as they are confident within their surroundings and have developed secure attachments with staff.
The exceptionally motivating environment is planned around the interests and needs of children. Learning starts immediately and children are extremely motivated in their learning. They demonstrate curiosity and pleasure as they participate in activities of their choice, or those led by adults.
Children demonstrate positive atti...tudes to learning, advanced concentration and perseverance skills that far exceed expectations for their age. Children's behaviour is impeccable. They show respect and kindness for both adults and their peers.
Staff are superb role models, setting clear expectations for children's behaviour. As a result, younger children are learning to share and take turns. Older children can resolve their own conflicts and understand the emotions of others.
Leaders and staff are immensely dedicated to ensuring children and families are at the heart of everything they do. The key-person system is highly effective. Staff know their key children and their families extremely well.
They plan activities across all areas of learning, building on what children already know and can do. As a result, children make swift progress and remember what they have learned. For example, babies recite familiar rhymes and songs, such as 'Wash, Wash the Plates', as they wash up in the role-play kitchen.
While making birthday crowns, older children demonstrate their newfound knowledge as they identify shapes in the environment and recite the alphabet song as they press the letters on a keyboard in the role-play airport.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The leadership team and staff are inspiring. They continually evaluate the impact teaching and practice has on children.
Leaders have a clear vision and high expectations of the staff team. They regularly spend time in all areas of the nursery and provide coaching and mentoring to all staff, to ensure there is continuous improvement in their teaching. The nursery provides extensive opportunities for internal professional development and further qualifications, such as leadership and management.
As a result, morale is high, and the nursery has a long-standing staff team that feel extremely well supported.Teaching is exceptional. Staff have an in-depth knowledge of the curriculum and how children learn.
They skilfully plan activities based on children's interests, build on previous knowledge and respond in the moment, threading learning through their conversations. As a result, children are highly motivated, and make quick and continuous progress.Communication is supported extremely well.
The curriculum is sequenced across all age groups and staff provide consistent challenge so that all children make progress. For example, staff teach babies to mimic single words. Toddlers are supported to put two words together, such as 'Splish, splash', as the play in water.
Older children hold conversations with adults and their peers as they play collaboratively, and take turns in conversation to share their ideas and thoughts.Children who speak English as an additional language are supported extremely well in a language-rich environment. Staff sing nursery rhymes and songs spontaneously to enhance learning and share books with children independently or in groups.
This develops children's love of books. Staff interactions are of high quality. They introduce new sounds and language.
Staff present activities clearly to children and rephrase and repeat information to check understanding.Assessment is effective and key persons alert the nursery's special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) of any gaps in learning. As a result, targeted intervention is provided swiftly.
Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is a real strength. The nursery's SENCo is passionate about the role and takes immense pride celebrating children's achievements. Staff work closely with parents and external professionals to put support plans in place, detailing what children need to achieve next.
As a result, children with SEND make progress from their starting points.Transitions both into and through the nursery are robust and extremely successful. Staff focus on building strong attachments and partnerships with parents and carers.
Staff are nurturing and attentive to children's care routines and provide comfort and reassurance when required. As a result, children settle quickly and are feel secure.Parents are incredibly complimentary about the nursery.
Parents report that staff are 'lovely and incredibly supportive.' Parents feel well informed about their children's progress through the online app and have extensive opportunities to be part of learning. For example, they access the 'lender library', share a book at home and find a wide variety of activities they can do at home, on the app.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children's safety is of the highest importance. Staff clearly understand their duty to keep children safe.
They demonstrate a thorough understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse and the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child. Staff receive safeguarding training and, as a result, develop extensive knowledge of wider safeguarding issues, such domestic violence and radicalisation. Recruitment procedures are robust and staff's suitability is thoroughly checked.
The setting has a 'no-mobile phone' policy and supports children to learn about online safety. Risk assessments are robust and daily checks ensure both the indoor and outdoor learning environments are safe. Staff support children to take supervised risks and recognise danger.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.