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About Busy Bees Day Nursery at Nottingham University
University Park, off Beeston Lane, Sports Centre Drive, Nottingham, NG7 2RD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are supported by staff to have a sense of belonging in this welcoming nursery.
For example, children who speak English as an additional language have opportunities to hear songs in the language they hear at home. Children show positive relationships with staff, demonstrating that they feel safe and secure in their care. Children in the baby room go to staff for comfort when they become slightly unsettled and sit on staff's knees to look at books.
Pre-school children work cooperatively as a team to build a tower in sand. They show kindness when they thank other children for helping them. Children show a positiv...e attitude to learning.
For example, children in the baby room happily clap their hands to praise their achievements when they join in songs and action rhymes. Staff understand how children progress in their learning. They offer children in the baby room large wax crayons and paper to encourage them to use their large arm muscles to make marks.
They show pre-school children how to cut paper using scissors. These skills encourage children to develop the muscles in their arms and fingers to help with writing when they move on to school. Children in the toddler room are able to follow their interests from home, showing good hand-eye coordination when they use bricks to build a tower.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and staff use a curriculum to help close any gaps in children's learning. This includes providing support for children to develop their communication and language skills. For example, staff help children in the toddler room to hear and copy the initial sounds in some words to develop their speaking skills.
When the routines in the day change, staff manage this effectively to keep children engaged in learning. For example, when staff clean tables after lunch, other staff read children stories to help them to develop a love of books. They use different tones in their voice to capture children's attention and ask them about the images they see on the pages.
Parents say that staff provide their children with a balance of learning through play and learning skills for school. Staff keep parents informed about their children's experiences in the nursery and how they can continue to support their child's development at home. For example, children borrow books to encourage parents to read to them.
This helps to create a united approach to supporting children's learning.Overall children behave well. Staff praise children for saying thank you when they receive food, recognising their use of good manners.
Staff help children in the baby room to learn right from wrong. This helps children to understand what is expected of them.When staff plan group times, children are keen to join in.
For instance, pre-school children learn about where food comes from, such as milk from cows and sugar from sugar cane. However occasionally during some planned group times, when staff ask children questions, they do not fully encourage them to take turns in conversations and to listen to the views of others. This results in children answering at the same time.
Staff provide opportunities for children to practise skills for when they move rooms in the nursery and for their eventual move on to school. For example, children in the toddler room have opportunities to pour their own drinks and drink from open cups. They use spoons and forks to eat their lunch.
In the pre-school room, children help to set tables for lunch and use knives and forks to eat their food. This helps to encourage children's independence and self-care skills.Children show that they enjoy being physically active, indoors and outdoors.
For example, staff in the baby room support children to hold onto furniture to pull themselves up to standing, helping to strengthen their core muscles. Pre-school children show how they can balance when they ride on scooters outdoors. However, staff do not fully encourage children to take and manage risks in their play indoors and outdoors.
This will help children to challenge and develop their own abilities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff find out about children's allergies and dietary requirements when they first start attending.
This information is shared with the cook to ensure that the meals and snacks she offers meet children's individual needs. Staff sit with children when they eat to ensure they only eat foods that are appropriate for them to promote their good health. The manager and staff know how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, including if children are being exposed to extreme views.
They know where to report any concerns they may have regarding children's safety. Furthermore, they know where to report any concerns regarding a member of staff's behaviour.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff during planned group times to encourage children to take turns in conversations and to listen to the views of others help staff to encourage children to take and manage risks during their play indoors and outdoors.