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The Saxon Centre, Kingsfield Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8AT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children enjoy attending this welcoming nursery. The sensitively implemented key-person system helps children to settle and develop confidence. Staff know their key children well and use everyday activities to build bonds with them.
For example, young children snuggle up with staff as they listen to stories. Staff follow the nursery's ethos and create a positive environment, showing a sincere interest in children. Children respond to this and become confident, inquisitive learners.
For example, older children are engrossed as they use coloured dough and craft resources to create models. They confidently persevere and f...ind solutions when the dough becomes stuck in a container. Promoting children's independence is a theme throughout the nursery, with staff building step by step on the skills children need to become independent.
For instance, young children concentrate as they competently carry their dinner plates to the table. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and offer them sensitive support to understand their emotions and the impact their actions have on others. Children respond to this and show a growing maturity in sharing and resolving minor disagreements.
Staff's timely explanations support children in gaining a clear understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers continuously review all aspects of the nursery. This is strongly supported by the development plans staff use for each room, helping to ensure that they are constantly responding to children's needs.
Managers and senior staff are good role models, supporting staff in developing their practice. Staff report that they receive practical supervision and feel valued and supported.The curriculum is designed specifically to suit the needs of the children in each room.
Staff continuously assess children, adapting the curriculum to ensure that children's ever-changing needs and interests are reflected. Managers demonstrate a strong knowledge of the curriculum and support staff in implementing it. This helps to ensure that children of all ages make good progress.
Staff note children's progress and offer them play opportunities that aid them in taking the next developmental step. They quickly address any weaker areas in children's development. Staff work well with other professionals, helping to ensure that children receive pertinent support.
This particularly aids children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and they make good progress. Furthermore, staff use their good knowledge of children to utilise additional funding to help promote children's development.Staff listen carefully and demonstrate to children that their communications and views are valued.
For example, older children have a 'nursery committee', through which they communicate their favourite activities and what else they would like to do. Staff sit with babies and play at their level. They ensure they hear a wide range of words, gently repeating and reinforcing new vocabulary.
For instance, when playing with bubbles, staff repeat the word 'pop' when the bubbles burst.Thoughtful practices support children in gaining an understanding of differences. For example, they take home 'Buzz', the nursery toy, and record their adventures.
They share these with their friends, helping children to notice different ways of life, family compositions and backgrounds.Children of all ages show an enjoyment of books. Staff read to children with excitement and animation, helping to bring the book to life.
Older children eagerly recall favourite stories, describing the characters and predicting what will happen next.Partnership with parents is strong. Staff include parents in the developments of the nursery.
Parents value the daily verbal feedback they receive. They report that they receive regular updates about their child's developmental milestones, and staff work with them to help their children make good progress in their learning at nursery and at home.Staff generally interact well with children, helping them to build on their play.
However, at times, staff do not use these opportunities to fully engage children and extend their learning as much as possible.The routines for children during periods of transition, such as at mealtimes, are not always as well organised as the normal routine. At these times, some children become restless, making it difficult for them to remain settled and engaged.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff further to embed consistent teaching practices so that they fully extend children's learning review the organisation at times of transition so that all children remain involved and continue to enjoy their time.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.