CHIPS Saturday Club

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About CHIPS Saturday Club

Name CHIPS Saturday Club
Address Kingshill Infant School, Heath Drive, WARE, Hertfordshire, SG12 0RL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The staff team welcomes children individually into the club when they arrive. Staff know in advance which child they are going to be supporting, and they create activities to support their interests. This means children spend long periods of time at activities.

The play leaders gather information from parents on arrival. This ensures consistency for the children and helps to keep them happy while at the club. Children have access to a large site, which they can explore and play in safely.

One-to-one staff interaction ensures each child's individual needs are always met. Breakout spaces can be used for children who prefer t...o be on their own. The excellent support the staff team provides for every child at the club enables children to behave well.

This creates a calm and nurturing environment for everyone, which is important. Children show positive attitudes as they choose which activities they would like to engage with. They enjoy craft activities, such as cutting, sticking and drawing.

Other children choose to build in the construction area. Staff talk with children about their creations and offer ideas about other things they could build.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The service offered by the club is unique.

The club supports a large number of families whose children have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The small team shows their commitment to the club and know the children extremely well. Leaders gather a large amount of information about children and their families when they first start.

This means strategies can be put into place which reflect children's home life and create continuity.There is a wealth of experience between the staff team and volunteers. All staff are passionate about the work they do.

The leadership team works hard to buddy children up with appropriate staff members. This allows children and staff to feel valued. The relationships and friendships they build are incredibly important to the children, building on their personal, social and emotional development.

The club invites siblings of children using the club to attend. Staff talk of using this time to provide the siblings with time to play together outside of their home. Staff spend time with the siblings and ensure they enjoy their time at the club.

The club has a clear process in place to support the youngest children at the club. A key-person system supports children and staff to build strong relationships. Planning is created based on conversations with parents and children's schools.

This means any gaps in learning and development continue to be worked on during their time at the club.The large outside space supports those children who enjoy being outside. There are opportunities for them to climb, run and explore, while remaining in a safe environment.

Children can go out whatever the weather, which allows them to learn about the world around them. They demonstrate their enjoyment of the freedom this outside space offers them.Parents talk of the 'lifeline' the club is for them and that they 'don't know what they would do without them'.

Parents comment on the relationships the children build with the staff team and how this enables them to trust the club. Parents report that the communication provided by the club is great and this helps to build and maintain parent partnerships. Additional services and advice offered by the club are welcomed by parents.

Leaders follow robust recruitment processes for both staff and volunteers. Mandatory training such as safeguarding is completed by all to ensure they have the right knowledge before they start. Leaders meet with the team after every club to talk about their successes as well as where they can make changes for the next club.

Staff and volunteers talk about how well supported they feel by the leaders and managers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Kingshill SSS Sports Camp Premier Education - St Mary’s Junior School Kingshill Infant School St Mary’s Voluntary Controlled Church of England Junior School

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