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About CJ’s Playcare (Ledger Lane)
CJ’s Playcare (Ledger Lane)
CJ’s Playcare, Ledger Lane, WAKEFIELD, West Yorkshire, WF1 2PH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision does not meet requirements Staff do not sufficiently promote certain aspects of children's welfare.
Not all staff understand safeguarding policies and procedures. The recruitment of individuals who have an existing Disclosure and Barring Service check lacks rigour, as does the induction of staff. The organisation of staff and the key-person system does not fully meet children's individual needs and promote their safety.
Partnership working with parents is not fully effective in ensuring a shared and consistent approach for children.Despite this, children enter the club happily. Staff set out activities and resources to welcome children in an...d offer a warm and friendly greeting.
Children lead their own play and develop their independence. After snack time, staff encourage children to choose where they would like to play, such as inside or outdoors, in line with their preferences. Staff provide questionnaires for children, to involve them in sharing their ideas.
Children behave well and respond positively to instructions from staff. For example, when staff need children to listen, they model the 'silence signal' by raising their arms. This indicates to children to stop what they are doing.
Staff model kind and respectful behaviour. This is reflected in the many social skills that children display as they play, such as sharing and taking turns.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider does not consistently implement robust recruitment and vetting procedures to fully check the suitability of some individuals.
They rely on individuals being known and vetted by other organisations. The provider does not sufficiently check individual's continued suitability and identity, where they have an existing Disclosure and Barring Service check. The provider does, however, seek references for such individuals.
Some staff do not have an up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding issues. For example, they have a weak understanding of extreme behaviours and views, and the signs associated with these, and also of external whistle-blowing procedures. Ineffective induction for staff means they are not trained to understand the club's safeguarding policy and procedures.
The lead safeguarding practitioners undertake relevant training and understand who they should report concerns to.The manager does not deploy staff effectively to meet all children's needs. For example, snack time is poorly organised.
It is extremely rushed and unsupervised by staff. Some younger children wander away from the table while eating. Staff do not consider the risks associated with this lack of supervision at snack time.
Key persons do not support nursery-age children effectively on arrival and during their time in the club. Consequently, they do not consistently meet children's individual needs, especially when the school hall is exceptionally busy and noisy due to the large number of older children. Staff do not always notice when children would benefit from their interactions, such as when they are not engaged or are playing alone.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, some aspects of practice have changed. For example, parents no longer enter the club when dropping off and collecting their children and this has meant that staff do not consistently share information with parents.Staff plan activities that build on children's friendships.
For example, children enjoy shared experiences as they work collaboratively to build models. They focus well during such activities and staff encourage them to measure the length of their horizontal construction.Staff plan activities that help to reinforce children's early literacy and mathematical skills.
For example, staff set out mark-making resources and table-top games and provide a cosy reading area. Staff help to strengthen children's small-muscle skills which are important for early writing. For example, they set out dough and tools, such as rolling pins and cutters.
Staff obtain information from staff in the host school, to help children to learn particular skills and self-care tasks, such as putting on their coats.Staff ask parents to share information about children before they start, such as their likes and interests. This helps staff to promote children's emotional well-being as they settle in.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date put in place rigorous recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure the suitability of individuals 23/04/2024 train all staff to understand the safeguarding policy and procedures and maintain an up-to-date knowledge of all safeguarding issues, including the procedures to follow regarding a concern about any adult on the premises 23/04/2024 ensure that staff receive effective induction training to help them to fully understand their roles and responsibilities 23/04/2024 deploy staff effectively to meet the needs of children and ensure their safety 23/04/2024 improve the key-person system to ensure that the provision and care is tailored to meet the needs of nursery-age children 23/04/2024 maintain a two-way flow of information with parents.