CM Sports Holiday Camp

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About CM Sports Holiday Camp

Name CM Sports Holiday Camp
Address The Wavell School, Lynchford Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6BH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the sports holiday camp happy and excited. They enjoy taking part in a wide range of physical activities in the spacious indoor and outdoor environment. Children's physical development and confidence is promoted incredibly well.

They enthusiastically join in circle time games to get to know each other. For instance, children illustrate this as they walk back to back in pairs to score goals. Older children play archery to learn about healthy and unhealthy food choices.

Younger children laugh with happiness as they run in and out of each other trying to catch each other's pretend tails. Children enjoy healthy, nutritious home-cooked snacks and meals. Staff join in the children's conversation about their home lives with interest and ask questions.

Staff are positive role models, who are kind, well organised, and demonstrate new skills with enthusiasm. This helps children to settle quickly, to understand expectations, and feel secure. Children show kindness and respect as they speak and listen to the staff and each other.

For example, children help each other during mealtimes to open lunch boxes and packaging. Children are keen to play and join in games. They listen, take turns and help to make up rules for games to make them even more challenging.

For instance, children decide to sit on the floor while trying to keep a balloon in the air as a team.Children have the opportunity to play quieter games and rest when needed. For instance, they play board games, colour, and make jigsaws.

The younger children who enjoy time to talk to their friends and to relax appreciate this.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy attending the holiday sports camp and have fun as they join in with fun sports and activities, such as go-karting, archery, and obstacles courses.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are fully supported.

Staff have detailed meetings with parents and the school to obtain vital information they need to plan and prepare prior to children attending.The manager and staff are committed to making ongoing improvements to the camp. They evaluate regularly to identify strengths in practice and areas for improvement and seek feedback from parents and children.

For example, they decide to become involved in charity events to support disadvantaged children in the local area and in Uganda.Staff are consistent in their approach to managing children's behaviour. They celebrate children's achievements with lots of praise.

This helps to build children's self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities. For example, staff high-five children who catch children in their game of chase.Staff regularly remind children to have a drink of water or rest, following physical activity.

They also offer children help when needed with putting on trainers or sports vests.Leaders and managers provide many opportunities for staff to further develop their skills and qualifications to improve play opportunities for children further. For instance, they have regular planning evenings and training.

The managers and leaders now need to further develop the already good guidance they give to staff to support well-being.Staff work tremendously hard to create a supportive environment where parents are informed in detail of their child's day and progress.Parents are extremely happy with the care and attention their children receive from staff who are caring and friendly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider implements safer recruitment procedures and has a robust induction for new members of staff. This ensures that all staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of procedures to keep children safe. They attend child protection training and learn to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, including much wider issues such as radicalisation and domestic violence. This helps staff to have secure safeguarding knowledge.

Risk assessments are effective. For example, regular headcounts ensure that when children move from one area to another, staff account for everyone present. The access to the premises is monitored well, with a staff member who electronically signs in everyone who attends and visits the site.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Farnborough The Wavell School

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