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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are pleased to see familiar staff, who meet them from their classrooms at the end of the day.
Staff greet children with big smiles and show a genuine interest as they ask children about their activities at school. Children chat happily and proudly show off their artwork. They clearly know the routines to walk to the club and any anxieties about moving from one place to another are fleeting.
On arrival, staff encourage children to freely choose what they want to do. For some children, it is having a snack to boost their energy. Others cannot wait to play, only to return later to help themselves to the suitably nutr...itious food and drinks.
Despite only attending the club for a short time, younger children confidently find toys they want to play with. Being outside is a firm favourite and staff ensure children have plenty to do in the fresh air. Younger children are becoming more accustomed to mixing with older friends.
They play well together at the sand tray and share resources and ideas to create things or fill different containers. Children know where they can play and understand what is expected of them. Staff are confident to intervene when necessary and, consequently, children's behaviour is very good.
Children clearly enjoy their time at the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The proprietor and senior leadership team have a strong ethos for children's free play in their after-school hours. They strive for high-quality provisions and work hard to ensure the principles they believe in are threaded through everything they do.
Children benefit from this greatly as they develop confidence, skills and knowledge that complements what they learn elsewhere.The leadership team has high expectations and provides robust induction and training for staff. This has a very good impact on staff practice.
Staff readily explain what they have been taught and demonstrate it well as they play and spend time with children. For example, staff have a good awareness of when to join children as they play and when it is appropriate to allow children to become engrossed in their play without interruption.Staff provide a wide range of activities and playthings suitable for the age range of children attending.
Resources are of a good quality. The environment is organised well, and children confidently find things of interest. Staff regularly consult with children about what is on offer and do their best to provide children with additional resources when requested.
This is especially beneficial as children want to try new things or are developing new interests.Staff are attentive and kind to children, especially those starting the club for the first time. Children's personal care is tackled sensitively and during those early days, staff ensure children are comfortable and ready to play.
Children are given the time they need to sit quietly and rest if needed. Staff are observant as children play and talk confidently about individual children's preferences and interests at the club. They value the partnership with the host school and know how vital this is to benefit children's holistic development.
Parents speak highly about the staff and the club. They say children enjoy attending and feel well informed about children's experiences after school. Parents appreciate the secure environment at the club and the procedures in place to ensure only permissible people collect children at the end of the day.
Staff interactions with children are very good. They join children's play when appropriate and offer plenty of praise and encouragement as children learn new skills. For example, children enjoy learning to manipulate the handles when playing table football.
Staff are good role models and show enthusiasm for their work.Children are learning how to keep themselves safe through play. They readily use helmets when riding scooters and are mindful to keep others safe as they ride around.
Children have great fun and thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They appreciate the freedom they have yet respect that at times, rules need to be followed. For example, children respond swiftly when reminded about keeping ride-along toys outside on the playground.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding matters. They are aware of the signs that children have been harmed and the procedure they need to follow to share their concerns.
Robust recruitment procedures are in place to ensure only suitable staff work with children at the club. Risk assessments are thorough and make good consideration for children's safety. Where accidents occur, swift remedies are sought to prevent further incidents from happening where possible.