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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enter this early years provision happy, confident and excited to see their friends. Staff have strong relationships with the children and have a good understanding of the children's individual needs.
Staff encourage communication and language throughout the session. One member of staff and child talk about the sounds that cars make as they go through the puddles. The child observes that 'They make a whoosh sound'.
Staff are sensitive to children's emotions and provide them with support and reassurance when needed. Staff work hard to ensure that new children settle in. They work with the parents to share informatio...n to support this process.
They key-person system works well and there is clear understanding of children's starting points, interests and care needs. Play at the setting is driven by the children and their interests. There is a good variety of activities to provide a stimulating environment for all the children that attend.
Children are encouraged to choose what they would like to play with. Children feel secure within this setting. Older children support younger children.
Children are clear about what is expected of them, with both staff and children working together to tidy up at the end of the session. Children cope well with the transition to school; staff encourage the children to be independent in putting on their coats and bags.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children's voices are listened to and respected throughout the setting.
Children are given lots of choices and have good relationships with staff and each other. Children support each other in their play and are kind to each other as they share and take turns. Children are proud of their achievements, and these are celebrated by the staff.
Staff work to support children in their learning. They demonstrate strong bonds with the children that attend. They work to support children's understanding and provide an enriching environment for communication and language.
Staff engage well with the children. They model language and extend their understanding.Parent partnership working is strong, and parents speak highly of the breakfast club.
Staff ensure that there is good communication with the parents to ensure that children's needs are met. The settling-in process is clear and staff work closely with the parents to understand a child's interests, previous experiences, medical and dietary needs.The key-person system is effective, with staff working closely to ensure that a child's progress is monitored.
Key persons demonstrate good understanding of their key children and work to support their learning during the session.The setting provides children with a buffet breakfast with a range of different options, including fruit, cereal and toast. Staff support children to choose what they would like for breakfast.
Staff talk with the children throughout their mealtime and are on hand to help the children that may need it.Children are encouraged to be independent, with staff supporting children if they need. Children are confident in the routine and at identifying their belongings at the end of session.
Staff training is a clear priority of the setting. Senior leadership work to support staff through regular supervisions and ensure that all staff complete regular training. They work closely with the local authority to provide in-house training for staff.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff at all levels demonstrate a good understanding of safeguarding procedures. Leaders work hard to share information with staff about different safeguarding issues to ensure that all staff are up to date and have a robust understanding.
Staff take part in regular local authority safeguarding training. Leaders and managers demonstrate good understanding of safe recruitment practices. Leaders work closely with the school to share safeguarding information, with the designated safeguard lead meeting regularly with the headteacher.