Camp Beaumont - St Ive’s

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About Camp Beaumont - St Ive’s

Name Camp Beaumont - St Ive’s
Address St. Ives School, Three Gates Lane, Haslemere, GU27 2ES
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the camp and are greeted by caring, enthusiastic staff.

They eagerly join in group games at the start of the day, which helps them get to know their new friends. Children are sociable and confident. They form good relationships with the staff and happily greet visitors to the setting.

Children enjoy experiences that are appropriate to their age and interests. For example, older children try archery and younger children enjoy art and craft activities, such as drawing and clay modelling. All children delight in experiencing the mobile zoo, with parents commenting that their children can not stop talking ab...out it.

Children benefit from a welcoming and well-resourced environment, with plenty of early years resources for the younger age group, such as construction equipment, small-world play and role-play items. Each age group has their own base room, which enables them to feel settled and secure. Children are physically active every day.

They access the adventure playground, nature trail, fields and playground for sports activities and team games.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities. They work well together as a team, with the manager and deputy providing consistent support for their staff.

Communication is good and the management team are always on standby to provide an extra pair of hands.Staff work hard to get to know the children in their care well. As a result, children with special educational needs are well supported.

Staff treat children respectfully and give them the time they need to transition to different activities.Parents comment positively about the setting. They say the staff are helpful and that their children ask to stay at the camp longer.

However, although a key-person system is in place, this is not always implemented well by staff so that parents know who their child's key person is.The activity programme has been carefully considered so that children have a variety of physical, exciting, challenging and calming experiences. This includes medieval tournaments, wellness workshops and superhero academies.

Overall, children join in enthusiastically. However, when some children tire or do not wish to engage in an activity, this is not always recognised by staff and children are not always provided with alternative choices.Staff report that they feel supported and valued.

They speak highly of the Camp Beaumont team and the training they have received.Children develop a good understanding of how they can keep themselves healthy. Staff encourage children to bring in healthy packed lunches and to drink water regularly to keep hydrated.

Younger children enjoy parachute games and sports-day events, where they cheer on their team. Older children become engrossed in dodgeball games, where they collaborate with each other.Staff are good role models.

They offer children lots of praise for their achievements. When children have minor disputes, staff sensitively support children to resolve them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of how to protect children from harm. They can identify possible signs and symptoms of abuse and understand the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child. All staff receive comprehensive safeguarding training before they start work at the camp.

Staff also know what to do in the event of an allegation being made against a colleague. Staff deploy themselves well and undertake regular headcounts of the children to ensure they are always accounted for. The Camp Beaumont team implement safe recruitment procedures to help ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

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St Ives School

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