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About Camp Glide at St Annes
Camp Glide at St Annes
St. Annes Catholic Primary School, Court Road, Banstead, SM7 2PH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the after-school club and settle quickly at their chosen activities.
The friendly staff create a warm and welcoming environment for the children to relax in at the end of their school day. The manager takes a register to ensure all children have arrived safely and asks children to reply, naming their favourite animal to make it fun. This keeps children engaged and maintains their safety at transition times.
Staff know the children well and gather registration information through the online booking system prior to children starting. This includes medical and allergy needs. Staff help children complete 'Al...l about me' forms to identify their likes and preferences.
The information gained is used to inform the planning for activities and ensures children are involved in the process.Staff play alongside children and engage in meaningful conversations about their school day. Staff extend activities to keep children involved and focused.
For example, children chat excitedly while they roll and model play dough to make food, such as special spaghetti, sausages, waffles, and beans. A member of staff adds more cutters and gives suggestions to enhance the activity. Consequently, children remain interested and engrossed in the activity.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has procedures in place to keep children safe. For example, staff complete a risk assessment and adapt routines due to a school parents' evening taking place. The staff team work well together and use walkie-talkies to communicate across the site.
At collection time, parents call the after-school club and staff escort children to the gate for a safe hand over. This ensures children are supervised and always move around the site safely.Children's behaviour is exemplary.
Staff role model good manners and children respond well to positive praise. Children listen and follow instructions. Older children are kind to younger children and help them follow routines.
Children are happy and confidently join in with activities.Staff plan activities suitable for the age range and children play together well. For example, children laugh and giggle as they all play a large group guessing game.
One child is blindfolded and must guess which corner the other children have crept to. Staff join in enthusiastically, which motivates children to be involved and keeps them immersed in the game.Staff are mindful of children's health and well-being.
They remind children to keep hydrated and take their water bottles to activities. Children wash their hands before eating, establishing good healthcare routines.Snack time is a social experience, as children sit together to eat from a range of healthy choices.
However, although children choose which foods they want in their wraps, staff do not make full use of the opportunity to extend children's independence skills.Parents comment very positively about their experience of the after-school club. They describe the club as an extension of their family and somewhere their children feel very at home.
Parents report their children have so much fun they ask not to be collected early.The provider asks parents to complete feedback forms regarding their experience of the club. These are evaluated to develop and improve the provision to meet the needs of each family.
Children are happy to talk to visitors and speak enthusiastically about the after-school club. Children say that the club is fun. They enjoy playing with their friends, and like drawing, having time to themselves and doing activities.
Children have access to an outdoor play area. Staff provide resources and plan activities and games to include opportunities for physical development and exercise, to promote a healthy lifestyle.The management team completes staff supervisions to evaluate practice and identify opportunities for professional development.
The manager holds weekly staff meetings with all the company managers to share information and ideas to inform practice. Staff say they feel supported and valued, which creates a positive working environment and a high quality of care for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have good safeguarding knowledge and know how to record and report concerns if they suspect a child is at risk of harm or abuse. The management team provide staff with regular training and a pocket handbook for reference and contact details. Children's safety is a priority and risk assessments, and procedures are in place to maintain good practice.
Managers use a robust recruitment process and ongoing checks to ensure staff remain suitable to work with children. Details of allergies and medical needs are made available to staff and accidents are recorded appropriately. A qualified first aider is always on site.