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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club and are greeted by caring, nurturing staff. They are happy and settled and eagerly share the events of their day in school with staff.
Staff support children's independence well. Children choose what they want to do from the range of activities and resources available to them. Staff interact well with children and encourage them to become engrossed in their play.
Children spend a long time making Easter baskets from dough. Staff encourage them to count and estimate as they mix ingredients. Children behave very well.
They have a good understanding of the staff's high expectations for the...ir conduct and behaviour. They are kind and courteous to each other. Children have access to a wide variety of toys and games.
Staff support children to make structures with magnetic construction pieces. They challenge children to play games and to make puppets with sewing kits. Children persevere as they thread needles and carefully stitch each side of the puppet.
Children take responsibility for the displays within the club. They create pictures to look like New York and staff help them find out facts about the city. This helps children to find out about the wider world around them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff offer children a range of healthy snacks and nutritious, home-cooked food. Children show good social skills as they sit together to eat. Staff support children to follow consistent hygiene routines to promote good health.
They show good manners as they say please and thank you to one another. They help to set the table and talk about how healthy foods make their bodies strong.Children's physical development is promoted effectively.
They have daily opportunities to play outside and benefit from fresh air and exercise. Children access a well-resourced playground, where they can climb, run, jump and slide on the large climbing frame. They have opportunities to play dodge ball and football.
Staff join in and are good role models. This helps to develop children's large-muscle skills and coordination.Leaders are committed to evaluating the club to ensure they are constantly developing the setting.
They gather questionnaires from parents and children and use this information to make improvements.Staff work closely with school staff and follow similar topics to complement children's learning. For example, children learn about Easter.
Furthermore, children practise their literacy skills. They choose letters from an interactive board and practise their spelling.Staff attend regular team meetings and individual supervisions meetings to help them to reflect on their practice.
This helps to keep their knowledge up to date.Staff say that they feel well supported by the manager. The manager has identified that staff would benefit from additional training to further support them in their role.
Parents report they feel well informed about what their children do each day. They explain that staff know their children well and spend quality time with their children. Parents comment that the setting has been 'a brilliant support'.
Children confidently find their favourite games or craft materials. They are engaged in meaningful activities throughout the session. They often spend a long time at their chosen activity.
For example, children concentrate as they connect small elastic bands together to make bracelets for their friends. Children are happy to involve others in their play and demonstrate the ability to take turns.Staff remind children of expectations and offer praise when children behave very well.
They teach children to be polite, well mannered, and kind to their friends. Staff promote children's good behaviour and celebrate their achievements, such as by rewarding them with stickers. They consistently apply fair boundaries, so that children understand how to behave at the club.
As a result, children behave well.Children are confident and keen to participate in conversations. For example, they talk to the inspector about their favourite activities at the club.
Children express that their favourite thing about the club is that they 'get to make new friends'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure understanding of safeguarding issues.
They know how to identify indicators of abuse and how to follow reporting procedures. Staff know what to do in the event of an allegation being made against a colleague. Regular risk assessments ensure that the premises are secure at all times and any potential hazards to children's safety are identified and minimised.
Children are beginning to risk assess their own activities. Staff are well deployed to support children's individual needs. The manager ensures that safe recruitment procedures are in place, so that all staff are suitable to work with children.