Cathedral Badgers

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About Cathedral Badgers

Name Cathedral Badgers
Address Church Hill, Longdon Green, Rugeley, WS15 4PT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are keen to arrive at the end of the school day and they are welcomed by enthusiastic staff.

Staff know the children well and have built up a good rapport with them. They create a well-organised environment that children access independently. Activities are stimulating and age appropriate.

They meet children's needs at the end of a busy day at school. Children choose what they would like to play with and enjoy a range of adult-led activities. Key workers understand the level of development children are at and provide opportunities to further build on their skills.

Personal and social development are well ...supported by the provision. Staff incorporate children's different interests and needs. Children play games together, enjoy using their imagination at the craft table and there is a quieter area for story time.

Children are confident and able to manage their own self-care. They have good manners, and they respect the toys and resources. Children are encouraged to be independent as they are served a healthy, balanced teatime snack.

They sit down and talk to their peers as they eat. Older children take account of younger children and are considerate towards them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team support the staff well.

Regular supervision, opportunities for training and discussions help staff to feel valued and supported in their work. Staff receive a thorough induction and support to enable them to carry out their roles effectively. There is a commitment to staff's professional development and they are encouraged to take part in regular training to enhance the quality of their practice.

The leaders are reflective and want to keep on working hard to continually improve the setting.Staff are good role models. They deploy themselves well and this ensures that children are supervised effectively while they play.

Staff are kind and interested in the children's lives at school and at home. Children chat about things that are important to them, and staff listen attentively.Children behave well and build meaningful relationships.

They are kind and respectful to each other. They share and take turns when playing. Children are encouraged to tidy up the toys when an activity is finished.

They are articulate and confident when talking to adults. Children ask for help when they need it and willingly share their ideas during group activities. They talk about how they enjoy attending the setting and highlight their favourite activities.

Staff skilfully interact with the youngest children to develop their communication and language skills. They model unfamiliar words, which helps to extend children's vocabulary. Children play creatively during role play with dolls.

Staff ask open-ended questions to encourage children to further use their imagination and express themselves.Children learn the importance of being healthy and active. The outdoor area offers a variety of opportunities for all children.

Children can run and play with a range of suitable resources. Staff support children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Children wash their hands at appropriate times and before snack.

Nutritious snacks are provided that cater to children's individual dietary needs.Staff promote close partnership working with parents. They share information with parents regularly, through messages, an app and daily discussions.

Parents have the opportunity to share news and information about children's achievements and current interests. This helps staff to plan activities for children, using their interests to engage and motivate them.The staff have a good relationship with the teachers at the host school.

Teachers share relevant information about the children with staff when they pick them up. This ensures there is continuity of care across the settings and positively supports children's transition to after-school care. Children are happy at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff provide a safe and secure environment for children to play in. They understand their child protection responsibilities.

Staff undertake training to help to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is secure. They are able to describe signs and symptoms of abuse, including those of radical and extreme views or behaviours. They are aware of the procedures to follow and who they should report concerns to.

The leaders have implemented a robust recruitment procedure to help ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. They monitor ongoing staff suitability through supervisions and appraisals. The premises are checked daily and any identified hazards are removed.

Also at this postcode
Longdon Hall School

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