Cavendish Out of School Club Limited

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About Cavendish Out of School Club Limited

Name Cavendish Out of School Club Limited
Address Cavendish Road Primary School, Cavendish Road, MANCHESTER, M20 1JG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff prepare a wide range of exciting activities for children to enjoy. They invest time displaying toys in inviting ways.

Children make choices from a tremendous variety of games. There is something available to satisfy all children's different interests. For instance, quieter children choose to read books or explore craft materials.

They enjoy table based games, such as recreating patterns with coloured pegs. This task requires concentration and resilience. Those with more energy are encouraged to play ball games.

Children show increasing stamina during physical games. They climb over apparatus with impressive ...confidence and coordination. Children remain continually enthused and engaged during their time spent in this busy and stimulating club.

Children of all ages mix together and play cooperatively. This inclusion helps to create a nurturing and caring atmosphere, where children look after each other. For instance, without hesitation, older children help to tie shoelaces for their younger friends.

Children behave well. They are kind, considerate and show genuine empathy for their friend's feelings and well-being. Staff encourage children to complete small responsibilities.

They help to prepare the hall for lunchtime by setting out cups, pouring drinks and checking there are enough chairs. Children thrive given these added responsibilities. They take great care to complete these tasks to the very best of their abilities.

Children are independent, self-assured and confident.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

This is a popular holiday club, with a great reputation among parents and children alike. The setting benefits from a strong leadership team, that works with dedication and motivation to offer families a quality service.

Leaders seek the views of staff, parents and children about what is going well and any aspects of practice that can be improved. This reflective approach, including the views of everyone who accesses the service, helps to drive relevant and worthwhile improvements.Staff communicate openly with parents.

They share lots of information, in various ways, to keep parents informed and up to date. Effective two-way communication benefits children, who enjoy complimentary care between home and the holiday club. Parents comment that this is a 'brilliant club' and their children are happy, safe and enjoy attending.

Staff check the environment and equipment are continually safe, often completing safety checks throughout the day. They practise fire evacuation procedures to help children to understand how to respond in an emergency. Safety is given utmost priority.

In turn, children play in a safe and secure space.Leaders of the setting ensure all staff complete mandatory training and have the necessary skills to meet children's needs and keep them safe. Staff attend regular supervision meetings with managers.

They discuss training needs, career aspirations and policies. This helps to build staff knowledge and confidence. Leaders intend to continue to offer staff increasing training opportunities to impact on practice.

Children benefit from regular fresh air and exercise. A large playground area offers children space to run and exert energy, which contributes to their physical health. Children eagerly put their coats on in anticipation of playing outside.

They enjoy their time and enthusiastically participate in all aspects of play provided.Staff understand and implement the setting policies and procedures to guide their practice. This helps to ensure consistency and good quality practice.

Staff ask children what they want to do. They are encouraged to choose and make decisions about their play. This democratic approach to activity planning helps to ensure all children remain enthused.

Staff are attentive and caring. To illustrate, children who are tired are provided with a quiet area to relax. A warm blanket is offered, and staff regularly check that children are comfortable.

Children's emotional and physical needs are understood and met through flexible routines.Staff benefit from rigorous induction procedures when they first start working at the setting. This maintains standards even when new staff join the team.

Furthermore, leaders implement effective recruitment procedures to ensure that staff are suitable for their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Cavendish Primary School

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