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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children feel safe and at home in the setting.
They know the routines well. Upon arrival, toddlers find their name in a basket and hang it on a peg with their belongings. Pre-school children copy their name and write it on a blackboard to self-register.
Staff praise children for good sitting and listening. They give praise to children for their individual contributions. Staff say, 'Thank you for sharing'.
Children are thoughtful and respectful to one another. They have strong relationships with staff, who know them well.There is a good curriculum in place.
Staff follow the children's interests. They b...uild on the experiences they have outside of the setting. Staff use these experiences to plan the next steps of children's development.
For example, staff identify that children visit the beach. They share a well-known storybook about the sea. Children are eager to join in with activities that link to the story.
They make progress and learn through these experiences.Parents comment that their children have made good progress. Staff inform them daily of their children's ongoing learning and development.
Parents like that their children learn 'life skills' in the setting. For example, they have become more confident communicators.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Pre-school children and toddlers enjoy using props while they listen to a story about the ocean.
They learn the names of fish and talk about animals that live in a rock pool. Toddlers and pre-school children sing a song about the sea. Staff ask children, 'What animals were in the song?' They support children's memory skills.
Staff hand out cold stones for the children to hold. They ask children, 'What else feels cold?' Pre-school children recall that 'an ice cream' is cold.Toddlers develop their curiosity.
Staff hide paper clips in sand. Toddlers use a magnet to find them. Staff teach toddlers about materials.
They explain how the magnet works and how it is made of metal. Staff broaden toddlers' knowledge and understanding of how things work.Staff expand pre-school children's vocabulary effectively.
They encourage them to talk about what makes them unique. Pre-school children tell each other about their home lives. They describe what a 'guinea fowl', which they have seen, looks like.
Staff introduce new words to other pre-school children, such as 'glycerine', while they make a bubble mixture.Toddlers and pre-school children develop their independence skills. They help to clean the table after they have had snack.
All children learn to pour their own drinks. Toddlers and pre-school children choose and explore items that interest them. Afterwards, they pack them away independently.
Staff remind children to 'Please put the resources back as you found them'.Pre-school children deepen their knowledge of numbers. Some of these children count up to 12.
Staff ask them, 'What comes next?' Some pre-school children know it is 13. Although toddlers are part of this activity, staff do not develop their counting skills as well as those of pre-school children. For example, they do not encourage toddlers to count and improve their knowledge of numbers to further support their mathematical development.
Toddlers and pre-school children take turns mixing ingredients to make bread. They respond well to instructions from staff. These children develop their finger dexterity as they roll out the dough and shape it into balls.
However, staff only provide one mixing bowl for the whole group, and children lose interest. Staff do not always organise adult-led activities well enough to keep children interested and engaged in their learning.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities well.
For example, they play games to promote children's speech. They work closely with parents. Staff support them in how to help children achieve their next steps of development and make progress.
Leaders are reflective in their practice. They regularly review induction processes for new staff. Leaders promote their understanding of the curriculum and their roles within the setting.
They offer training to enhance the professional development of all staff. Leaders have regular supervision meetings. Staff well-being is high.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have made many improvements since the last inspection. Staff teach children how to manage their own safety effectively.
They model how to use scissors, use the garden equipment appropriately and carry trays safely. Risk assessments are effective. Procedures are in place to ensure that visitors are not left unsupervised with children.
Staff supervise children while they eat. All staff know the signs and symptoms of possible abuse or neglect. They document children's pre-existing injuries.
Staff share safeguarding information, when necessary, with key persons. They know how and which outside agency to contact in the event of a concern over a child's welfare.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide opportunities for toddlers to practise counting, to improve their knowledge of numbers review the organisation of adult-led activities to keep children interested and engaged in their learning.