Central Out Of School Club

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About Central Out Of School Club

Name Central Out Of School Club
Address St Judes Rc Junior And Infant School, Baverstock Road, Birmingham, B14 5PD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy the time they spend at this welcoming and friendly club.

They quickly form friendships and are happy and secure. Children play well together in groups and sit together at snack time. Staff have a good knowledge of their key children and plan activities that interest, engage and challenge them.

They provide them with a good range of sports, games and craft activities. This helps children to build on their physical, social and creative skills.Staff work well as a cohesive team and have a good understanding of their responsibilities.

They have a shared commitment to providing a quality service for chil...dren and their families. The provider considers the views of staff, parents and children to help identify areas to improve. Children have opportunities to be involved in decision making about the activities and resources offered.

All children can make suggestions to the staff and they are listened to by leaders, who value their contributions and implement appropriate changes. On occasions, staff supervision meetings are not used well enough to focus on the needs of the children. Children behave well and staff are consistent in their approach to managing their behaviour.

Children listen attentively to instructions and respond appropriately to clear guidance. They happily share, take turns and involve others in their games.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider continually reflects on the provision to identify further ways to build on the good practice.

The qualified and experienced staff benefit from developmental opportunities to continually strengthen their skills and children's experiences. Staff have regular staff supervision meetings, but opportunities are sometimes missed to discuss key issues.Staff promote successful two-way communication with parents to share information about children's well-being.

Parents spoken to express how satisfied they are with the club. They say their children are happy and enjoy attending.Partnership working with the host school is well established.

Staff gather information from the school to ensure that all children's needs are met. This helps to ensure continuity in children's care and learning between school and the club. There is an effective key-person system in place, as well as a designated member of staff for early years children to oversee their care.

Staff create a positive environment for children, who respond well to familiar routines. Staff act as good role models and give children gentle reminders about the rules of the setting. Children learn to cooperate with children of different ages and develop a good understanding of tolerance for others.

Children have time to interact with their friends, which contributes to the development of their social skills and attitudes. Staff encourage children to be independent. For example, children take responsibility for their own belongings.

Older children readily support younger children with activities and everyday tasks.Children are happy to see staff and eager to share stories with them about what they have done throughout the school day. Snack time is a sociable occasion where children show confidence in speaking and listening.

They demonstrate this as they all sit together to talk about things that are important to them. Staff are effective in teaching children to understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. For example, children often enjoy food-tasting activities, including sampling many varieties of fruit.

Children have plentiful opportunities to practise their physical skills. They enjoy regular time spent outdoors where they can be physically active and have use of the school facilities. They have access to two large playgrounds, where they have ample space to run and play ball games, such as enthusiastic games of dodgeball.

Staff encourage children to engage together in imaginative play and to represent their own ideas particularly well. Children enjoy using natural materials to make a variety of 'food', including a birthday 'cake', carefully decorated with daisies. Children use their imagination well and share their ideas with others.

Staff speak to children about what they are doing, ask questions and encourage them to extend and develop their play. Children remain focused for long periods of time. For example, in preparation for when they will be making real cakes, children use their creative skills as they design their own 'cupcakes' using play dough.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff ensure that children's safety is given priority. The premises are safe and secure.

Staff carry out ongoing risk assessments to help reduce any hazards. They complete regular and appropriate safeguarding training. Staff have a good understanding of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse, including abuse from exposure to extreme views or behaviours.

They are clear about the procedures to follow if they are concerned about a child's welfare. Robust vetting procedures ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff deploy themselves effectively to supervise children during their play and to provide them with the support they need.

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