Chatterbox Community Pre-School Limited

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About Chatterbox Community Pre-School Limited

Name Chatterbox Community Pre-School Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Halterworth Lane, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 9AD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The setting encourages children to have a voice and learn how to make decisions.

This prepares them well for their future learning. For example, children vote when making dough as to what colour it should be. They successfully problem-solve together and come to a decision.

This develops children's understanding of respecting other's opinions. Children demonstrate they feel extremely safe and secure in the setting. They are confident to access all of the meticulously planned learning environment and use their excellent communication skills to share their feelings.

For instance, the setting has an Health Co-Ordinator that works closely with children to support their emotions. She uses soft toys to role play how she feels children might be feeling. This is having a positive impact on children being able to share their feelings and worries.

Practitioners have high expectations of all children. Their knowledge of what children can do is extremely accurate. This helps them confidently progress all children's learning and development.

Children are enthusiastic learners. They are eager to take part in all activities that are on offer to them. For example, children build on their physical development as they complete exercises in the garden.

Practitioners use this activity to help children have a good understanding of how to keep themselves healthy. It also encourages good social interactions and mathematical development as they decide whether they do big or small jumps.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is embedded securely and consistently.

Practitioners meticulously plan suitably challenging activities that build on the knowledge and skills that children have. For example, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities build on their developing concentration skills when sharing stories. The passionate and dedicated practitioners have an excellent balance of children's views and adult-led planning.

Practitioners work extremely well to understand and value all children's views and wishes. For instance, children are encouraged to share what they would like to do that day. Practitioners use this information to support children's chosen learning that day.

Practitioners' interactions with children are of extremely high quality. Practitioners know all the children exceptionally well. This allows them to successfully challenge children.

For example, a practitioner works with children in the role-play shop. She competently promotes children to develop their problem-solving skills and mathematical development as she buys lots of items at different costs.Children are hugely respectful.

They show delight in helping each other to achieve. They demonstrate this as they share with others how to keep themselves safe around the climbing wall. Older children also show the younger children how to put their coats on independently.

Practitioners have superb bonds with all children. They are excellent role models and facilitate children to learn from each other wherever possible. This helps promote children's already positive self-esteem.

Children's behaviour is impeccable. They are highly motivated in their learning and work with others extremely well. Practitioners talk about feelings and encourage children to learn how actions affect others.

This helps children develop their emotional well-being and develop their social skills further.Practitioners develop an excellent rapport with parents. They complete a home visit before each child starts at the setting.

This is so practitioners can start building relationships with children. This seamless settling-in procedure helps practitioners effectively plan for each child. Children bring in books about their families and special places they have visited.

These books form part of children's routines as they share their experiences with others. This encourages children to learn about other families and cultures.The leaders of the setting are inspirational.

They are passionate about doing the very best for all children. They work collaboratively with practitioners to inspire and coach their practice further. Leaders reflect on their environment consistently and involve children, parents and practitioners in this process.

For example, recently, leaders supported children to take pictures of their favourite areas and asked how they can make them even better. Leaders swiftly actioned the children's responses and developed a new sand area in the garden. This values the children's contribution.

Leaders have created a mental health and well-being champion for practitioners. This has been hugely successful in gaining practitioners' views on their workplace. Recently, one of the leaders introduced more social events and 'fresh coffee Friday' based on feedback.

Parents provide extremely positive feedback about the setting. They feel their children are supported exceptionally well as individuals. They comment that their children's learning and development has excelled since starting at the setting.

Parents comment that children who speak English as an additional language are supported well to develop their second language.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders work closely with practitioners to develop their awareness and understanding of safeguarding.

They do this through daily meetings and regular training. The leaders create an environment of vigilance. They have an excellent understanding of the processes of making referrals.

Leaders and practitioners work together in an excellent manner with outside agencies to share valuable information about children in their setting. Practitioners have a robust understanding of how to keep children safe and how to report welfare concerns. The leadership team has robust systems in place to recruit staff and check their suitability.

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