Cheadle Stay And Play Club

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About Cheadle Stay And Play Club

Name Cheadle Stay And Play Club
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a warm, welcoming environment for children to play, explore and relax in.

They have high expectations of children and aim to challenge them in their play. Children enter the club happily, settle quickly and talk about their school day with staff and their friends. Children of all ages play well together.

Older children are keen and very willing to help younger children. For example, older children show care and consideration when a younger child falls over and checks that they are okay. Children behave well and follow the club rules, which they draw up in collaboration with staff.

This includes being ...kind to each other and being honest. Children have fun as they thread pasta shapes onto string to make a necklace. They concentrate well and remain focused on the activity.

They develop their large physical skills outdoors and play tennis, skip and roll the large hoops. Staff freely join in with children's games, and indoors, children freely approach staff, asking for help. For example, children ask for staff's assistance when trying to make a bat mask.

Children learn about keeping themselves safe as they discuss topics, such as stranger danger and keeping safe online. They are reminded not to run indoors and are given an explanation about the dangers of not walking inside.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work well in partnership with parents.

They provide plenty of information to parents about what their child has been doing during the session. They complete online information for parents of younger children and offer this to parents on a regular basis. Parents say that their children really enjoy attending the club and staff are great.'

We couldn't be happier with the care provided by the team…it is a safe and inclusive environment and we are thankful that our children are so well looked after'.Children enjoy playing outdoors and have fun. Staff encourage children to be independent and have a go when they encounter a difficulty and praise children when they achieve their aim.

They ask children to explain the rules of a game, so everyone understands how to play fairly. Younger children thoroughly enjoy taking part in mark-making activities and craft activities. They remain engaged for a considerable length of time when making their creations.

They test out their skills as they attempt to complete a complicated puzzle and staff celebrate as they successfully finish it.Staff complement children's learning in school and talk regularly with class teachers about what children are doing in school. Children show consideration for each other.

When younger children struggle to thread their dry pasta onto the string, older children spontaneously offer their support. Staff have a buddy system in place with children and give older children specific roles and jobs. This helps to promote children's self-esteem and self-confidence.

Healthy snack options are available in a specific area for children to freely access, when they choose. Staff encourage children to clean their hands prior to eating, so promoting good hygiene routines. Staff talk with children about the importance of eating healthily and the benefits of physical exercise.

They take into account children's allergies and intolerances in the selection of food on offer. They encourage children to go out in the fresh air and take part in outdoor games, but children can choose where they want to play.Staff evaluate what they offer children and ask parents and children for their views to help to improve the club.

They consider children's requests and listen to their ideas. For example, children say that they want to do a specific craft activity and staff ensure this is available and all children can take part, if they choose. Staff have an ongoing action plan in place to help them to focus on what they need to improve next.

They receive regular support from the manager and take part in supervision sessions. Staff are very much encouraged to attend training. They report that training has helped them to better support and build on what children already know and can do.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures that staff attend regular child protection training and keep their safeguarding knowledge updated. Staff know the signs to be concerned about in relation to issues about a child's well-being or the inappropriate behaviour of a member of staff.

They explain what they would do if they encountered any related problems and have a suitable awareness of wider safeguarding issues. Staff ensure that children know about keeping themselves safe in the club. Children know not to answer the door and to alert a member of staff if they are leaving the room to go to the adjacent room.

Also at this postcode
Cheadle Village Primary School

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