Chec Mates Day Care

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About Chec Mates Day Care

Name Chec Mates Day Care
Ofsted Inspections
Address Madeley Baptist Church, High Street, Madeley, Telford, TF7 5AH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The manager's comprehensive curriculum is fully understood by all staff and delivered expertly to the children. The manager and staff tailor the learning programmes specifically to the needs of the children, to build on their experiences at home.

Staff use children's interest in nature to extend their knowledge and skills, such as exploring lifecycles and developing subject specific language.The children's communication development forms the foundation for the curriculum. Staff focus on supporting children and their families to develop an appreciation of sharing books together as part of their focus on language enrichmen...t.

Staff provide children with targeted interventions to help them to make accelerated progress. This includes developing the vocabulary to express their needs, wishes and to manage their feelings and behaviour. This ensures that each child, including those with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND), achieves their full potential and has a wide skillset in readiness for school.

Children thoroughly enjoy the time they spend with the staff. On children's arrival, staff are immediately attentive and listen with genuine interest as children excitedly share their experiences from home. Staff have established high expectations for children's behaviour.

Children are respectful of each other and the resources they access. Staff diligently risk assess so that children can play and explore safely.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider ensures that the nursery is accessible to the needs of all the children.

She shows high levels of integrity for the equality of opportunity for each child and in providing the best start to their education. This includes providing the necessary one-to-one support for children with SEND while the SENDCo starts the formal process with the local authority. The provider makes precise use of additional funding to ensure that it benefits the children it is intended for.

Leader's thorough self-evaluation ensures that the nursery continues to evolve and develop in response to the needs of the children. The provider supports the professional development of all staff who receive purposeful supervision and training. Staff share how the provider looks after them on a professional and personal level.

In-line with children's learning priorities post COVID-19, staff have received extensive training in communication and language interventions.Leaders engage in successful partnership with other agencies involved in children's care to support their development and well-being. Staff have an in-depth knowledge of the children and their families.

This is established from the onset and during the transition from the sister nursery. Children's communication development is a key part of this process including, the language children speak at home and the best way to communicate with their parents.Parents speak highly about the service provided and the care their children receive.

They appreciate the communication from staff and the guidance they receive to support their child's continued learning at home. Staff provide parents with comprehensive information about their child's learning, such as the key words they are currently exploring in nursery.The manager and staff value the children's cultural backgrounds and provide opportunities for them to share their important celebrations with their friends.

Children have recently been learning how some families celebrate Springtime. Staff create a wide range of opportunities for children to engage with other members of the community to learn about the significant local events.All staff have an outstanding understanding of how young children learn and the priorities for their development.

Staff make excellent use of their observations to inform assessment of children's progress and to plan for their learning.Staff adapt their teaching skilfully and expertly weave children's individual learning targets into their play. Their interactions ensure a focus on learning throughout and consistently supports, critical thinking and reasoning skills.

Staff ensure that children have the opportunities to recall and reflect on what they have learnt previously so they can develop a deep understanding.Staff create exciting invitations to play both indoors and outdoors that challenge each child and captivate their interest. For example, children learn about pollination and use props to pretend they are bees.

They transport pollen from the flower to the beehive. Children are then inspired to paint images of the bees. Children access binoculars to observe birds.

They use their mathematical knowledge to weigh out the bird food for the feeders. Staff are swift to respond to children's imaginative play ideas and encourage their use of exciting vocabulary during sand play.Through the various daily routines, staff focus on supporting children's understanding about healthy lifestyles and keeping themselves and others safe.

Children explore how their heart beats faster after a period of energetic activity. They know about hygiene routines, including hand washing and oral care. Children benefit from the extensive range of physical challenges in the outdoor area.

Staff make use of visits out into community to reinforce children's understanding of road safety and about being alert to the potential risks in the natural world, such as poisonous plants.Staff are excellent role models and provide children with clear guidance for being respectful to their friends and managing conflict. They consistently reinforce good manners.

Children develop excellent social skills and demonstrate exceptional conversational skills as they engage in lively discussions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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