Cherry Blossom Pre-School

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About Cherry Blossom Pre-School

Name Cherry Blossom Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Cherry Tree Academy, Cobblers Lane, Pontefract, WF8 2HN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wakefield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff create a calm, happy and sociable atmosphere, where children of all abilities and backgrounds have a wonderful time.

Children are well cared for by staff, who are warm, nurturing and approachable. This helps children to feel safe and secure. Children show good levels of social confidence, for example they interact with unfamiliar adults happily and enthusiastically.

Children have plenty of opportunities to make choices about their play. This supports their decision-making and independence skills effectively. Staff have high expectations for all children and want them to flourish through good-quality learning expe...riences.

Children play cooperatively with each other and respond well to the routines and boundaries in place. Staff demonstrate a gentle approach to behaviour management. Their reminders to children to use listening ears and 'kind hands' means children behave well.

They receive lots of praise for their efforts and achievements. Children thrive, and their self-esteem and confidence are high.Children are motivated to play and learn.

They benefit from a wide variety of activities, which are tailored to their interests. Children make good progress from their starting points. They show good levels of concentration and are keen to try new challenges.

For example, children persevere when using tweezers to pick up insects hidden in coloured rice.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and manager are highly committed leaders, who aspire to achieve the very best for the children and their families. They share their enthusiasm with the staff team and support their development through regular supervision and appraisal meetings.

However, the quality of some staff teaching and interactions with children are variable and, therefore, children's learning is not always promoted at the highest level.Parents are very complimentary about the manager, staff and the service they provide. They say staff are kind, friendly and offer personalised care to their children.

Parents feel involved in their children's learning, and they share relevant information with staff. Parents also praise the successful transition process for their children when they start at the pre-school, which includes a home visit.Children develop good communication and language skills.

Staff support children's early language development through fostering a love of books, songs and rhymes. Staff take every opportunity to extend language, introducing new words and engaging children in meaningful conversations. For example, when reading to the children, staff explain the meaning of the words cellar and staircase.

They then refer to these terms, asking the children questions to help them reflect and consolidate their understanding. The pre-school is taking part in the 'Twitch' programme to further support children's love of books and reading.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and those who speak English as an additional language are supported and begin to show positive attitudes towards learning.

Staff recognise and identify concerns quickly and seek the support children and their families need. There is an effective key-person system in place and staff spend quality group time with their key children. However, at times staff do not focus on the learning intentions for children during some free choice activities.

Therefore, the resources available do not offer the highest level of challenge or fully engage children.Children are provided with ample opportunities to be physically active and have daily access to the well-resourced outdoor area. Some children are eager to demonstrate their skills in pedaling tricycles.

Others use their construction skills to build a house. The manager demonstrates excellent teaching skills. She encourages children to work together, and problem solve as they build a den using a large tarpaulin and clips.

Children are enthused by the manager and spend extended periods of time engaged in the activity.Staff welfare is important. Management provide staff with a well-being afternoon away from pre-school.

Additionally, they have five planned training days when the pre-school is closed. This enables staff to spend time together and expand their own professional development. Staff promote children's health and well-being in all activities and routines.

Healthy food options are provided and children access drinking water throughout the day. Furthermore, they begin to understand the importance of oral hygiene.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The provider and management team follow robust procedures for assessing the suitability of staff to work with children. Staff complete regular safeguarding training to help keep their knowledge up to date. They are confident to talk about safeguarding issues, including how to identify possible signs of abuse.

There are clear procedures for reporting any concerns about a child's welfare or concerns that arise about a colleague. Risk assessments are in place and regularly updated and reviewed. The manager deploys staff effectively.

Children are supervised well indoors and when playing outside. There are clear procedures in place to respond to any emergency situations to help keep children safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus even more on supporting staff in their professional development to raise the quality of teaching to a consistently high standard across the staff team nensure resources are carefully considered and match the learning intentions of some freely accessible activities.

Also at this postcode
Cherry Tree Academy Holy Family and St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy

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