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About Cherry Tree Kids Club @ Upland Primary School
Cherry Tree Kids Club @ Upland Primary School
Upland Primary School, Church Road, Bexleyheath, DA7 4DG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff work well as a team. They provide children with a warm and welcoming environment.
They work hard to ensure the club is a fun and inclusive environment for the children who attend. Children arrive at the club with big smiles, eager to be with their friends. Staff ask children about the best part of their day.
This helps children feel a sense of belonging and it initiates conversations about children's emotional well-being. Children are independent and staff help them to know the routines of the club and what is happening next. For example, on arrival they sign their names in the register and hang their coats and bags ...up before sitting down for their snack.
Staff provide children with a broad range of activities. Activities are planned to complement what children have been learning at school, particularly those in Reception. Children have many opportunities to develop their physical skills.
They join in team games, such as football. Children have great fun as they learn to manage risks as they climb the spider web climbing apparatus. Children enjoy the autumn walk to collect natural resources for a future activity.
Those who prefer more sedate activities enjoy arts and crafts, construction resources and relaxing in the book area.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders provide regular supervision sessions for staff. They support staff when they identify areas for improvement, to enable them to provide high-quality care.
Staff are deployed well throughout the club so that children are kept safe.The key-person system is effective. Some staff also work in the school and know the children well, what they enjoy and how to support them during their time in the club.
Children are confident and happy and clearly enjoy their time there.The staff know the children well. Throughout the club, staff initiate individual conversations which engage children.
These interactions make children feel valued and welcome. This also helps to build their confidence and make them feel safe and secure.Staff are good role models.
They speak to children and each other with respect. Staff manage behaviour effectively. Children are polite and use good manners.
They chat to each other about their day as they enjoy their snack. Children eagerly join in team games and practise football skills together and encourage each other as they climb and balance.Staff provide children with healthy snacks that include a selection of fresh fruit.
Children are encouraged to drink water regularly during their time at the club. They confidently choose the snacks they enjoy. However, children have to wait too long at snack time and, therefore, become distracted.
As staff are busy serving, they do not always realise when children would benefit from adult interaction.Staff work well as a team and form positive relationships with children. Children are keen to show staff their dance performance they have been practising.
Children engage staff in their play and are eager to practise the skills they learn at school. For example, children laugh in delight when they guess if the playing card is higher or lower than the card shown by staff.Staff maintain good relationships with the host school.
They find out what children are learning in school and make every effort to complement this in the club. For example, children developing their early writing skills in school eagerly mark make and sign themselves into club to complement this.Parents are complimentary about the club.
They say their children look forward to attending. They are pleased their children are happy and safe. Parents comment on the 'friendly' staff.
They appreciate that staff pass messages about how their child is feeling.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture towards safeguarding that puts children's welfare first.