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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children eagerly enter the welcoming and friendly environment that staff provide. They are confident in their routines, such as hanging their coats up and signing themselves in to their self-registration basket. Staff have caring interactions with the children as they enter and talk to them about how they are feeling.
This helps children to feel safe and secure. Staff have an in-depth understanding of the community and the families who use the pre-school. This helps them to plan their environments and resources to support the children's current interests and development abilities.
Leaders and staff review their curricu...lum intentions to ensure they remain ambitious for all children. Staff support children to revisit past learning. For example, children recall owl noises and season changes as staff talk to them about the display they have recently made.
Children develop their fine motor skills as they create animals using play dough and craft materials. This helps children to develop muscles needed for early mark making and writing. Children understand the expectations for their behaviour, as all staff provide consistent, age-appropriate guidance.
Children demonstrate kindness to staff and each other. For example, they ask, 'Would you like to try?' when staff comment their lunch looks 'yummy'. This helps children to build secure friendships.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff work together to design a curriculum that is specific to the individual needs of the children. Staff spend time getting to know children and their interests. They use this information to plan learning experiences for them.
Children are prepared for the next stage in learning.Staff assess children's development regularly. This allows them to provide support and interventions where appropriate.
Staff involve parents and act on any guidance from other professionals. This early identification enables children and parents to get the support they need. All children make good progress.
The curriculum for communication and language is good. Staff access further training to support children's developing skills. They use this to assess and provide intervention where appropriate.
Furthermore, staff are positive role models, and they model correct language back to children during play. Children are confident communicators.Staff give children clear instructions and boundaries.
For example, they remind children to use their walking feet indoors and explain why they must not run. Children are beginning to learn to understand how their actions can affect others. Staff talk to the children about disagreements and conflict.
They support children to resolve any conflict together. Consequently, children behave well.On the whole, staff promote independence skills as part of their broader curriculum.
For example, children can confidently wash and dry their own hands with little support. However, on occasion, staff do things for older children that they can do themselves. This limits opportunities for these children to develop their independence skills further.
Leaders support staff to develop their knowledge and skills. They attend regular training together and receive support and advice from other services, such as the local authority. Regular supervision provides staff with opportunities to discuss their workload and well-being issues.
Staff feel supported and morale is high.Overall, partnerships with parents are strong. Parents are happy with the quality of care and are very complimentary about the pre-school.
Staff provide parents with information about children's progress and how they can support their next steps in learning. However, staff do not share enough information with parents about how to promote children's oral hygiene and the impact of high sugar items on their teeth. This gives children mixed messages about food choices and hinders their dental health.
Staff provide children with opportunities to learn about equality, diversity and inclusion. They do this through books and planned experiences, such as celebrating multicultural events. This helps children to learn about their similarities and differences.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to consistently provide children with opportunities to develop their independence skills share information with parents to support children's oral health.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.