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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thoroughly enjoy their time at nursery. Parents do not enter the nursery routinely due to COVID-19 safety precautions. However, children are warmly greeted at the front door by staff who are nurturing in their approach.
Older children are eager to begin their day. Babies have especially warm relationships with their key person. This helps all children feel immediately safe and secure.
Babies enjoy a wide range of sensory experiences, which staff use to promote other learning. For example, babies repeat animal noises as they move large, soft plastic animals through chopped-up breakfast cereals. Toddlers are abs...orbed in their chosen play and know the routines well.
For instance, before they play in the water tray, they persevere as they put on a water apron. Children explore the different water containers, scooping and pouring the water. They are developing their large and small muscles for later skills, such as writing.
Children thoroughly enjoy these activities.Children respect each other's opinions when they play together. For instance, they work together as they build different-sized towers.
This reinforces their self-confidence and emotional well-being. Staff have high expectations of children and are good role models. Children listen to the staff and understand appropriate behaviours.
Children behave well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager, who is covering maternity leave, has an ambitious vision of what they want children to learn and achieve. She has a clear intention for the curriculum, with a particular focus on children's personal, social and emotional development.
Overall, children benefit from a wide range of purposeful and interesting activities. However, the organisation of some activities for older children, particularly those taking place just before lunchtime, are not always planned well enough to sustain their engagement. Occasionally, this leads to children losing focus, and it does not promote their learning to the highest level.
Staff develop children's love for and interest in literacy and books. Younger children listen to stories and songs. Older children draw and form letter shapes and describe what they are drawing.
This prepares them well for later writing. Children demonstrate they have a positive attitude to learning.Staff communicate clearly with children and model language well.
They introduce new words during play. This helps young children to understand their meaning. For instance, children learn what 'squishy' means when describing how the play dough feels as they use their hands to squeeze it.
Staff skilfully extend older children's learning as they introduce letter sounds. Children eagerly shout out words they can think of that begin with 'e', such as 'egg' and 'elephant'.However, occasionally, staff ask children too many questions, not allowing them time to think and develop their own ideas.
Children learn about a healthy and active lifestyle. They all enjoy healthy, nutritious meals according to their specific dietary needs and preferences. They sit together at mealtimes and are supported in developing their independence.
For instance, children pour their drinks and cut their food up using knives and forks at mealtimes. Staff ensure children get plenty of fresh air and exercise outside.The managers support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities well.
For example, staff monitor development closely and provide specific activities to support children's development. Staff have developed strong partnerships with other professionals to ensure that children get the required levels of support. Children make good progress in their development.
Partnerships with parents are strong and parents speak highly of the staff team. Staff promote daily communication with parents and offer feedback, both verbally and as part of their online daily diary system.Senior leaders support the manager effectively in her role.
Together they regularly observe staff and evaluate practice in the nursery. Staff benefit from access to a range of internal and external training. This enhances the experiences they provide for children at the nursery.
Staff feel valued and appreciated. There is a strong culture of celebrating their achievements within the nursery.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. They know the possible signs of abuse and what to do should they have concerns about a child. Staff are secure in their knowledge of the whistle-blowing policy.
They understand the procedures to follow if they are concerned about the practice of another member of staff. Staff provide a safe environment for children. They teach children how to keep themselves safe.
For example, staff explain clearly how to hold the scissors correctly while sitting down. Staff ensure that the premises are well maintained and secure.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: norganise group times more effectively to provide children with opportunities to concentrate without distractions and be fully engaged in their learning help staff support children's continued communication through meaningful conversations and provide children with time to respond to questions and develop their critical-thinking skills.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.