Cherubs Preschool Friends Meeting House

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About Cherubs Preschool Friends Meeting House

Name Cherubs Preschool Friends Meeting House
Ofsted Inspections
Address 7 Balgores Crescent, Romford, RM2 6AB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children display extremely high levels of emotional well-being and clearly flourish and feel safe at this wonderfully nurturing environment.

Staff are very positive role models and plan an extremely exciting and vibrant range of activities that captures their interests extremely well. Children are very curious and demonstrate excellent attitudes towards learning.Staff have very high expectations for children's learning and behaviour.

They plan a wide range of creative and fun experiences to promote positive and kind behaviour. For instance, they read children the 'Kindness Fairies' story and leave messages writt...en on love hearts around the classroom, prompting children to show kindness to a friend or play with someone new. Children show high levels of respect for their environment and each other and behave exceptionally well.

Children benefit from an exciting outdoor learning environment. They show superb enjoyment and engagement as they make different potions and concoctions with pinecones, gems and flowers. They exude happiness as they experiment with making ice creams and doughnuts from sand.

They also fully immerse themselves in imaginative play as they pretend to toast marshmallows on a campfire and go camping. Staff skilfully support their play and ask lots of effective questions about their ideas and intentions. Children benefit from a rich language environment and hear an abundance of new descriptive words as they play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The pre-school is led by a highly inspiring and dedicated manager. She is extremely knowledgeable and has very high aspirations for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The manager and the very committed team work exceptionally well with a range other professionals to deliver well-tailored support to enhance outcomes for the children that attend.

It is evident that children make excellent progress and are thriving.The extremely hard-working team successfully plan an extensive and stimulating curriculum to support children's learning and development. Staff know children very well and skilfully plan activities to help to close any gaps in their learning.

This also helps them in readiness for their eventual move onto school. Children show high levels of motivation to try new things and are confident learners.Staff plan fun and engaging experiences to support children's mathematical development.

For instance, children enjoy using magic wands to make predictions and solve mathematical problems. Staff support them to weigh and measure and understand concepts, such as 'heavy', 'light' and 'equal' when exploring weighing scales.Children develop a love of storytelling and books.

Staff support children to participate in a range of creative projects connected to their favourite stories. For instance, children enjoy decorating flower pots and making worms when reading the book 'Superworm'. Children delight in receiving letters and stickers from authors when they receive photographs of their project work.

This helps to ignite a passion for early literacy and reading in the children.Children have excellent opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles. For instance, pre-school staff have formed a partnership with a local farm and arranges trips to visit the animals and allotment.

This helps children learn about healthy foods and nutrition. Furthermore, staff and parents have both recently benefited from 'promoting good oral health' training to best support children's toothbrushing habits and overall health.Staff engage in an impressive amount of training to enhance their knowledge and professional development.

Several discuss the benefits of completing 'outdoor learning' training and how this has supported their practice when planning their outdoor environment. Consequently, children benefit from excellent outdoor learning experiences and relish all that is on offer outdoors.Staff treat children with high levels of respect and children form strong and trusting bonds with the kind and attentive staff.

Furthermore, staff give children lots of gentle reminders about turn-taking and showing consideration to each other. Children respond in an extremely positive manner and behave very well.Partnerships with parents is a real strength of the pre-school.

Parents express extremely high levels of satisfaction. They make comments such as 'staff are fully invested in the children. They are very attuned to their needs and genuinely care'.

Parents state that they feel fully involved in their children's learning and feel that communication is excellent.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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