Cherubs Private Day Nursery And Pre-School

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About Cherubs Private Day Nursery And Pre-School

Name Cherubs Private Day Nursery And Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 83 Broad Road, Sale, M33 2EU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children appear happy and settled at this good-quality nursery.

They access a range of age-appropriate toys and equipment which promote their learning and exploration of the world around them. Children delight as they make 'snails' out of dough and use real fruits and vegetables while engaging in role play. Babies are enthralled as they explore light-up blocks and look at their reflections in mirrors.

Children show positive attitudes towards their play and learning. They develop small-muscle skills by exploring the texture of slime with their hands and by mixing paint to make new colours. Outdoors, children become exci...ted as they plant seeds and spray water out of spray bottles.

They demonstrate good physical dexterity as they kick and throw balls, and as they climb onto apparatus and balance across rope bridges.Staff have positive relationships with children and have high expectations for their behaviour and learning. Children follow these expectations well and are supported to understand their emotions.

They play alongside their friends and take turns. Children develop a good awareness of similarities and differences between themselves and others in their community. For example, they learn about different languages and cultures, and enjoy visits to the local post office, shop and care home for older people.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership and management of this nursery are strong. Self-evaluation is accurate and identifies areas for staff and managers to develop further. All staff are passionate about continually improving the nursery to support children in making good progress.

Children are provided with meaningful learning and a rich curriculum which builds on their interests and what they already know and can do. For example, children become excited as they go on an outdoor 'Gruffalo hunt' through tunnels and trees, using torches to help them on their journey. They develop a good awareness of numbers by stepping on numbered footprints and counting them.

However, staff do not always provide further challenge during activities or respond to children's individual needs, such as extending their thinking and speaking skills during their play to the highest level.Overall, gaps in children's learning are identified and children make good progress. Careful consideration is given to how additional funding is spent to ensure it has the biggest impact on children's learning.

Children who speak English as an additional language are supported well. Staff learn words in the children's home language and liaise with parents to help children develop a good grasp of English. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities also make good progress, through effective interventions which are supported by parents and external professionals.

High priority is placed on literacy, communication and language development. Initiatives such as 'Book of the month' encourage children to develop a love of reading. Children eagerly listen to stories and join in with singing nursery rhymes.

They learn to recognise their names and develop small-muscle skills in readiness for writing.Parents are provided with regular updates about their children's learning. 'Home learning bags' allow parents to further support children's learning and development at home.

Parents comment that their children 'absolutely love' the nursery and that staff are 'caring and nurturing'.Children are well supported during transition into the nursery and in their move on to school. They are confident and show good behaviour.

Children respect others and respond well to adults. They share their views about future activities they would like.Children are provided with healthy food, and staff follow consistent hygiene practices to promote children's good health.

Overall, children learn to be independent, such as when putting on their coats. However, the organisation of some daily routines does not fully promote children's engagement and independence. For example, staff complete tasks that children could be more involved in, such as helping to tidy toys away.

Staff comment that they feel well supported by leaders and work in a close-knit team. A good programme of training and support develops the practice and knowledge of staff. For example, recent training in letters and the sounds they represent has improved the confidence of staff in supporting children's communication and language skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The premises are safe and secure, and staff are well deployed. Staff have a thorough understanding of how to keep children safe and protected from harm.

They understand the steps to take, should they become concerned about a child's welfare or the conduct of a colleague. Staff show a good understanding of wider safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation. Robust recruitment arrangements ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

Leaders demonstrate a good understanding of how to manage allegations against staff. They ensure that staff have up-to-date safeguarding knowledge.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide children with higher levels of challenge during their learning refine the organisation of daily routines, to ensure children are kept fully engaged and that their independence is promoted to the highest level.

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