Children’s Corner Chapel Allerton

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About Children’s Corner Chapel Allerton

Name Children’s Corner Chapel Allerton
Address Chapel Allerton Primary School, 21 Harrogate Road, LEEDS, LS7 3PD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create many opportunities for children to make choices and be involved in planning activities. They take account of children's individual interests.

This means children look forward to their time at the club. They fully immerse themselves in the activities and show high levels of engagement and enjoyment. For instance, children are keen to show their creative abilities.

They draw pictures, mould and shape clay into Christmas decorations and play musical instruments. Children have good opportunities to independently select the resources they want and talk to staff and visitors about their play. Staff's interaction wit...h children is very positive.

They sit with children at mealtimes and listen with genuine interest to their stories and ideas. This helps children to develop close relationships with staff and to feel a strong sense of belonging at the club.Staff are good role models.

They support children to make the right choices and are on hand to praise children when they share toys and use good manners. Children of all ages behave well and are very kind and thoughtful towards each other. For example, older children support their younger peers to find their coats for outdoor play and help them to clear away their plates following snack time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Recruitment processes are robust. All staff receive a thorough induction to ensure that they are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities. Staff are encouraged to take up opportunities for professional development.

All staff complete mandatory training, which includes paediatric first aid and safeguarding. Staff work hard as a team to ensure the club is a fun, safe and an inclusive environment for the children who attend.Staff ensure that children have plenty of opportunities to play outside in the fresh air and take part in physical play.

They get involved in children's energetic chasing games and motivate them to come up with new challenges, for example doing star jumps. Other children enjoy a game of football and eagerly demonstrate their ball skills. Staff take into account the darker evenings.

They have assessed the routine for children attending the after-school session to ensure they have good time to play outside before it becomes too dark to ensure their safety.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive good levels of support during activities and routines. Staff liaise with school staff and parents to ensure good continuity of care for children with SEND.

Staff build secure bonds with children; they understand and respect children's personal preferences as they play. This helps all children to feel reassured and settle quickly in the club.Parents share very positive comments about the care and play opportunities that staff provide for their children.

They appreciate the deep understanding staff have about their children and their individual needs. Parents value the wide variety of activities that staff plan and say that children thoroughly enjoy attending.Staff promote healthy eating and children's good health in the club.

They provide healthy, nutritious food at mealtimes. After school, children make their own sandwiches and select the fillings they want to eat. Sandwiches are accompanied by drinks of water or milk.

Additionally, children help themselves to fresh fruit. Staff ensure children wash their hands before eating.Staff ensure that children are safe at the club.

They carry out thorough risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor environment. Staff deploy themselves effectively to manage children's safety. As all staff are trained in paediatric first aid, they can offer children appropriate care should an accident occur.

The management and staff team regularly review the provision and make improvements to benefit the children. They ensure that younger children have a dedicated key person who can support their emotional well-being. All children make good relationships with staff and their peers.

Children feel confident, happy and want to come to this fun club that is not just seen as an extension of their school day.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Chapel Allerton Primary School

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