Children All Together (CAT Club)

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About Children All Together (CAT Club)

Name Children All Together (CAT Club)
Address c/o Ace Room, Buttsbury Junior School, Norsey View Drive, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0QR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements While the provider and team of staff understand they have a responsibility to protect children's welfare, there is a lack of understanding and knowledge of the correct procedure to follow should they have a concern about a child's well-being. There is also a lack of knowledge about how to report concerns regarding allegations made about members of staff. Additionally, robust checks and vetting procedures are not consistently followed when recruiting staff.

Therefore, children's safety is compromised. Although parent partnerships are positive overall, a written complaints policy is not easily accessible for parents.Despite t...his, children are greeted by happy and caring staff who are genuinely pleased to see them.

Children are excited to see their friends and siblings and hold hands as they chat about their day at school on the walk back to the club. The team of staff knows the children well and ensures all relevant information is in place, including the children's interests, before they attend. Children have established close and trusting bonds with the staff, who are attentive and offer children reassurance when needed.

Staff ensure the club is set out ready for the children's arrival. Their artwork and creations are displayed, creating a sense of belonging. The club is very busy, but children, including the very youngest, are familiar with the routines and expectations.

They confidently settle quickly to a chosen activity. Staff are calm and good role models. They offer children praise and reassurance.

Children's behaviour is very good.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and staff understand their responsibility to protect children from harm. However, they lack knowledge about the policy to follow should they have a concern a child may be at risk, and they are unsure about the whistle-blowing procedures.

Recruitment and supervision procedures are not robust. These weaknesses do not promote children's safety.Children happily arrive and are excited to explore the activities provided.

There is a wide variety to choose from, including play opportunities outdoors. Children are familiar with the routines and know to store their personal belongings, wash their hands and have a fruit snack before engaging in their play.Children make choices as to where they want to play.

For example, many decide to sit in a cosy and quiet 'film' room. They make themselves comfortable on sofas with blankets and enjoy an appropriate film with their friends. Others enjoy games and physical activities in the garden or in the playground.

They know how to access quality resources as they organise games of tennis and football.Young children settle well, and their emotional well-being is supported. For example, young children attending for the first time are offered reassurance and cuddles if needed.

Older children are encouraged to help the younger ones. Children demonstrate they are kind and caring towards one another and have formed friendships.The provider and the team have established positive working relationships with the host school.

Any relevant information is shared when children are collected from the classroom to ensure continuity of care. The provider has worked well in partnership with the headteacher to improve security measures. External gates are now kept closed during the setting's opening hours as a further precautionary security measure.

This compliments the good security measures already in place.Staff have established professional, friendly partnerships with the parents. Parents speak extremely positively about all aspects of the club and the caring provider and supportive staff team.

They comment that their children are very eager and happy to attend. Many comment that communication is good, and they appreciate the updates when they collect their children.Children thoroughly enjoy a balanced and healthy menu.

They are offered a hot, freshly cooked meal that is prepared by the club cook. Their individual dietary needs and allergies are managed well. Children have ample portions and make choices from a range of foods available.

Mealtimes are regarded as a social time to relax, and children sit and chat with their friends and demonstrate good manners.Children are able to complete their homework after tea if they choose. They are fully supported by staff who sit with them.

Parents comment how much they appreciate this opportunity.Young children are able to take care of their personal needs independently and know to wash their hands without prompting when visiting the bathroom. However, a member of staff is on hand should they require any support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure all staff understand and implement an effective policy and procedure, in line with the local safeguarding partners, that includes the action to take for child protection concerns and allegations against staff 21/10/2024 ensure robust checks and vetting processes are followed when recruiting staff to ensure they are suitable to work with children 21/10/2024 ensure that there is a written procedure for dealing with complaints and that this information is accessible and available at all times 21/10/2024 improve the supervision of staff so that they are provided with coaching and support, issues are addressed as they arise, and staff's knowledge of safeguarding is monitored effectively.


Also at this postcode
Buttsbury Primary School

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