Childville After School Services Ltd

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About Childville After School Services Ltd

Name Childville After School Services Ltd
Address Becontree School, Stevens Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM8 2QR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BarkingandDagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are collected from a variety of local schools and are greeted by happy, enthusiastic staff. Systems in place ensure there is a good handover and staff are informed of any relevant information with regard to the child's day at school.

Children are very familiar with the routines when they arrive at the club. They know to wash their hands and complete their reading homework before enjoying a tasty, healthy tea. They chat to the staff and their friends about their day and what they want to do at the club.

Young children are settled and demonstrate they feel safe and confident. An effective key-person system ensures t...hey receive support and reassurance from attentive, familiar staff. Children understand the rules and expectations of the club and they are kind and caring to one another.

Staff speak respectfully to the children and the children's behaviour is exemplary.Children are very eager and motivated to explore the activities planned. They show great enthusiasm to make their own play dough.

They spend time at this activity as they mix the ingredients, chatting to their friends and helping one another. They enjoy the relaxing, sensory activity and spend time making shapes and models. Interactions from staff are good and children delight in inviting them into their games.

For example, they relish their time outdoors and have fun with water play. They giggle as they chase staff, squirting water from syringes to cool one another during the warm weather. They have ample opportunities to get fresh air and exercise after a day at school and children can choose where they play.

Equally, well-planned quality play opportunities are available within the child friendly playroom indoors for those who prefer quieter activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide children with a welcoming, calm and fun place to attend after school. Great emphasis is placed on getting to know the children and their families before they start at the club.

This means staff provide activities that interest them and they settle quickly. Staff know all the children very well and offer additional support to meet their individual needs. The team have established very positive links with the host school.

A stringent recruitment process, induction programme and completion of mandatory training ensures staff are confident in their role. All staff speak with enthusiasm and commitment to the children. They comment that they feel valued and supported and genuinely enjoy their work.

Staff retention is good, which provides continuity for children attending. Staff development is supported through regular supervision and observations of practice and training.Staff have established positive, friendly relationships with the parents.

Detailed and informative registration forms completed by parents help staff get to know the children's abilities before they attend. Parents comment that they feel reassured leaving their children at the club, that they are safe and have fun. The communication is good and parents comment that they are fully aware of the activities and food their children are offered.

Parents speak positively about the friendly and approachable staff and comment that they are very supportive.Children's views and feedback are valued. Staff hold monthly meetings with the children to discuss what activities they enjoy at the club.

The children also discuss the menu and can influence any changes. They make their own choices as they select fruits and vegetables at teatime. They choose the fillings for the sandwiches they make to suit their own preferences.

Staff support and encourage children to be independent. They are gently reminded to keep hydrated and drinking water is readily available throughout the session.Children relax at the club, as they sit comfortably and read books.

They have opportunities for creativity as quality resources are readily available for them to express themselves. Children spend time using construction resources and show sustained concentration as they make models. Younger children complete number puzzles and show pride in their achievement.

They enjoy the praise and encouragement they receive from the staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff members, including new members of the team, demonstrate a sound knowledge of how to safeguard children.

They have a good understanding of child protection, including wider issues, such as female genital mutilation and the 'Prevent' duty. They are aware of possible signs and behaviours that may suggest a child is at risk. They understand the procedures to follow to ensure children's welfare is protected.

All staff complete appropriate safeguarding training. They are clear on the process to follow with regard to whistle-blowing should they have a concern. The stringent recruitment and vetting procedures ensure children are cared for by staff who are suitable to do so.

Also at this postcode
Playaway Nursery (BCC) Limited Purple Penguin Club @ Becontree Children’s Centre Learning Hive - Becontree Primary Becontree Primary School

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