Chill Out Time Childcare @ Stocksfield Avenue

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About Chill Out Time Childcare @ Stocksfield Avenue

Name Chill Out Time Childcare @ Stocksfield Avenue
Address Stocksfield Avenue Primary School, St Cuthberts Road, Fenham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE5 2DQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NewcastleuponTyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive excited to attend the club after their busy day at school. They are welcomed by staff as they collect them from school. Children are quick to hang up their coats and sit down for their snacks.

They take part in a range of activities, which staff plan around children's interests. For example, staff set up salt dough activities. Children are happy and enjoy their time in this welcoming and fun environment.

They form strong relationships with the supportive staff. Staff play alongside children and support them to feel safe and secure. Children are welcoming of new people and show that they are confident to tal...k to visitors.

Staff encourage children's good behaviour. They support children to be respectful towards one another. Children know the routines of the club and behave well.

They understand staff's expectations for their behaviour. Children listen to staff and respond to instructions well. For example, they know that they have to listen when staff discuss with them about going outside.

Children of all ages play well together. Older children enjoy helping younger ones during their play. Children concentrate on their chosen activities well and are proud to show their creations to visitors and staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children say that they enjoy attending the club. They find different words to describe what they think, saying that the club is 'fun' and that staff provide 'lovely food and activities'. Children happily talk about what they like to do at the club.

They comment that they like the craft activities, dressing up and outside play.Staff value the importance of children experiencing regular opportunities to explore the outdoors to support their health and well-being. Children benefit from the large open spaces to provide opportunities for them to develop their physical skills.

They smile with delight as they play ball games with their friends in the outdoor environment, while other children explore the environment, looking for bugs and minibeasts.Staff form good relationships with parents whose children attend the club. Parents report a high level of gratitude for the club.

They thank staff for their commitment and for accommodating their needs and those of their children. Parents explain that staff keep them informed of their children's development and work in partnership to ensure that children receive the best possible outcomes. Parents comment that they are confident that should they need to raise any issues, staff would ensure that these were addressed.

The manager leads the club well. She is organised and involved in the daily running of the club. This helps to create a well-sequenced routine for children to follow.

Staff receive regular opportunities to discuss their practice. They benefit from whole-organisation training on relevant topics to ensure that they have opportunities to learn and develop at work. This ensures that all staff are aware of their own roles and responsibilities.

Children enjoy healthy choices for tea. They have a varied menu, which caters for their likes and dislikes. Staff and children consistently follow good hygiene practices, such as handwashing when coming in from outside, or after using the toilet and before and after eating.

Staff sensitively support children's emotional development and encourage them to talk about how they feel and work through solutions together. They use their understanding of children's needs to offer appropriate support. This contributes to children's sense of security.

Staff understand when to allow children space to play and when to intervene. They are happy to become involved in the games and activities which children choose. Staff sit with children and ask questions, encouraging them to have a go at solving simple problems for themselves.

This helps children to stay focused and engaged in their chosen activity.The manager works closely with the host school. School teachers share information with the club's staff when children are collected from their classrooms at the end of the school day.

Staff share information with teachers after children have attended the breakfast club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider has a good knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe from harm.

The manager ensures that staff keep their knowledge and understanding up to date through training. Staff know the signs and symptoms of abuse. They know the procedure to follow if they are concerned about children's safety, including those regarding adults who work with children.

Staff regularly check the provision to ensure that it is safe for children. Staff provide opportunities for children to learn how to keep themselves safe. For example, children learn about outdoor safety on a daily basis.

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