Chuckleberries At Coldwaltham

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About Chuckleberries At Coldwaltham

Name Chuckleberries At Coldwaltham
Ofsted Inspections
Address St James C Of E School, Church Lane, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1LW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestSussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff deliver an exceptionally ambitious curriculum that flows seamlessly throughout the entire setting. They consistently encourage children to test out their ideas, building their resilience highly effectively.

For example, children eagerly use sponges to soak up and transfer water into various containers. Children are highly motivated to learn, and investigate and discuss what is happening to the objects they have placed inside. Staff foster children's natural curiosity and introduce concepts such as floating and sinking.

This deepens their engagement and helps to enrich their understanding of weight and meas...ure. Outstanding, first-hand experiences spark children's curiosity in and connection with their local community. For example, children eagerly recall their recent visit to the fire station.

They excitedly create maps and re-enact their journey. Children show exceptional friendships with their peers. They collaborate with others, gather props and set up imaginative fire rescue scenes as part of their play.

Staff foster opportunities such as these to engage children in discussion about the importance of staying safe around fire, for example. Staff reinforce high expectations for children's behaviour with remarkable consistency. They treat every child as a unique individual and use differing strategies, such as props and visual aids, to guide their understanding.

Children confidently use sand timers on their own to manage turn-taking. They share resources with enthusiasm and demonstrate a strong sense of empathy for others.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team designs an exceptionally well-planned curriculum that prioritises children's language and communication development.

Children who need additional support are given this at the earliest opportunity. Staff skilfully use strategies such as visual aids and sign language to allow all children to express themselves and participate enthusiastically in group discussions. Children confidently sing songs and cuddle up with staff to share their favourite books.

They recall key words and phrases, significantly enriching their language skills.Staff demonstrate a profound ambition for every child, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They collaborate seamlessly with parents and other professionals, and skilfully apply their knowledge of each child to ensure targeted and highly effective support.

Children with SEND thrive in this nurturing environment. They fully engage in their learning and enjoy their time alongside their peers.Children benefit from exceptionally skilled staff, who integrate literacy development into daily activities.

For instance, with support, children use expressive language to describe the intricate details of a field mouse nest they discover in the garden. Staff enrich children's understanding of the natural world by immersing them in further research, such as through well-chosen books. This helps to deepen children's interest in reading.

Staff support children's physical skills exceptionally well. For instance, children eagerly grab shovels and take great pleasure in digging and hunting for worms. They learn how to take safe risks as they roll down steep slopes on the school field.

Staff create an atmosphere of excitement and exploration. They encourage children to problem-solve and think how they can use equipment in different ways. Children enthusiastically rise to the challenge.

They excitedly use fishing nets to collect leaves and to practise throwing balls in diverse ways.Staff are excellent role models. They give children guidance and support to help them learn how to express their thoughts and feelings, such as through the care of wildlife.

For example, children show empathy and thoughtfully find safe spots for insects. They gently place them on the ground while using words such as 'happy'.Staff engage in comprehensive and ongoing communication with parents right from the start.

They build strong, trusting relationships with families, establishing a foundation of respect and collaboration. This seamless partnership ensures that every child embarks on their educational journey with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for learning. Parents comment on the remarkable support that staff provide to enhance their children's unique development.

The dedicated management team leads the pre-school extremely well. Staff praise the excellent coaching and supervision they receive. They show a passion for continuous learning and strive to complete higher childcare qualifications.

This significantly improves their skills and knowledge, and has a positive impact on the quality of their teaching.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St James’ CofE Primary School, Coldwaltham After school club at St James

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