Cippenham Nursery School

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About Cippenham Nursery School

Name Cippenham Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Andrews Way, Cippenham, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 5NL
Phase Nursery
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 112
Local Authority Slough
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders' vision for children to be 'happy to be here, to play, learn, care, share and be themselves' is realised in day-to-day life in the nursery. Every day begins with a smile and a warm welcome.

Everyone here wants the best for every child. They know children and their families well and form strong relationships with them. Parents and carers are very positive about their children's experiences in nursery.

Many describe how their children come home full of what they have been learning.

Staff foster warm and nurturing relationships with children. This helps children to feel safe and 'at home' in the nursery.

Children enjoy learning and are curious a...bout what is happening all around them. They were particularly curious about what the inspectors were doing in the nursery! Children also like being active in the outdoor areas, such as the forest school.

Staff support children to be kind, caring and respectful of each other.

They model this in the way that they respond to children. Children play happily with their friends and any minor disagreements are quickly sorted out. Staff are always on hand to help resolve any upsets and support children to share and take turns.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned a broad curriculum that helps children to make good progress and be ready for school. They are currently adjusting their curriculum to reflect changes in statutory guidance. Plans do not yet identify the detailed, small learning steps that build over time.

As a result, sometimes staff do not focus activities sharply enough on the specific knowledge that children need to learn.

Staff give emphasis to developing children's speaking and listening skills. They model language and engage children well in conversations.

They take time to listen to children and help them to express their views. Story times feature daily. Staff use these times well to introduce children to new vocabulary and texts.

Children delight in joining in with familiar phrases and enjoy the anticipation of what comes next. Staff use puppets and other props to help children understand the sequence of events in stories.

Staff have a good understanding of how well children are doing.

They use this knowledge to plan interesting activities. Staff adapt activities, such as role play, to take account of children's interests. This helps to sustain children's attention.

During the inspection, some children were completely immersed in 'preparing smoothies' in their busy café. Staff also take every opportunity to develop children's understanding of number and shape.

Staff's good understanding of children enables them to identify any potential needs.

Staff cater well for children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children who are at an early stage of learning English benefit from extra group and individual support. However, during independent learning times, staff are occasionally not responsive enough to the needs of a few children.

As a result, some do not always engage fully with all that there is on offer.

Most children behave well and play harmoniously. Staff provide patient, kind care to the very few children who need extra help to manage their emotions.

They support all children well to understand, manage and express their feelings.

Through stories, and celebrations such as Diwali and Eid, children learn about other cultures. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the school organised visits to places further afield, including Burnham Beeches.

These are currently on hold because of the pandemic. Leaders plan to get these going again as soon as they can.

Staff enjoy working at the nursery and feel a strong connection to the children and families.

Despite this, some staff have been unsettled by recent changes. Some do not feel that leaders consider their workload or views.

Governors understand and fulfil their statutory responsibilities.

They have a clear understanding and oversight of safeguarding procedures. Nevertheless, governors are not as knowledgeable about the quality of education. This limits their capacity to hold leaders to account.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders manage recruitment processes well and records are clear and well organised. Staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities.

They know children well and are quick to refer on concerns if they spot anything that is troublesome. Leaders hold regular discussions with the local authority's safeguarding team. When needed, they pass on their concerns and ensure that families get timely support.

Leaders and staff place great emphasis on children's well-being and safety. They encourage and support children to 'have a voice' and share their feelings and any worries.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Curriculum plans do not show how knowledge builds sequentially towards the school's curriculum goals.

Consequently, staff sometimes plan activities that are not focused precisely enough on the component knowledge children need to learn. Leaders need to ensure that their plans show how knowledge builds cumulatively towards the school's curriculum goals. Leaders are currently reviewing their plans.

For this reason, the transitional statement has been applied. ? During independent learning times, sometimes staff are not quick to notice when a few children are not engaging in activities. As a result, some children are not benefiting fully from what is on offer during these times.

Leaders need to ensure that staff are more alert and responsive to all children during these times. ? Governors do not have an incisive understanding of the quality of education. Consequently, they do not have the knowledge they need to fully hold leaders to account.

Governors need to strengthen this aspect of their work. ? Some staff are unsettled by recent changes and feel that leaders do not consider their views or workload. Leaders need to improve their engagement with staff and take steps to address these concerns.

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