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Clarecroft Day Nursery, 34 High Street, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 7RD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children show high levels of engagement in activities.
They shout 'look at me!' as they confidently jump off a wooden platform, developing their physical skills. Staff provide numerous opportunities for children to use their imagination and develop their communication and language skills. For example, older children sit on a climbing frame and pretend it is a bus.
They say 'let's go to the farm' when staff ask them where they might want to go. Staff encourage children to recall the animals they saw during their recent trip to the farm. They help to develop children's understanding of safety as they remind children to w...ear their imaginary seat belts as they play.
Younger children develop their early understanding and speaking skills as they take part in singing sessions. They smile as they enthusiastically clap their hands and babble along as staff sing with them. Children behave well and are kind to their friends.
For example, older children help younger children to put their shoes on and help them to serve their own food at lunchtime. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure at nursery. Younger children hold their arms up to staff as they scoop them up for cuddles when they become tired.
Children learn the importance of good hygiene routines. They develop small-muscle skills as they brush their teeth, discussing how it helps to 'keep them clean'. Children discuss why they wash their hands before mealtimes.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Managers complete regular observations of staffs' practice and offer ongoing feedback to help develop their skills where needed. Staff report they feel supported by the managers and receive regular supervision. This provides them the time to discuss well-being and personal development.
The nursery has strong links with the local school, inviting teachers to the setting to meet the children. This helps prepare children for their next stage in learning.Parents report staff are 'wonderful' and 'so supportive'.
They are kept up to date with regard to their own child's development and progress. Staff share children's next steps and provide ideas of how parents can continue learning at home. For example, children take home storybooks and activity bags to share with their parents.
Staff know children well, and provide a curriculum that follows their interests. They use observations and termly assessments to identify gaps in their learning. Children who have additional needs are supported well.
Staff are confident to involve other childcare professionals where needed. They attend regular meetings with parents and childcare professionals in order to share information and agree support to help children reach their targets for development. This enables all children to make good progress.
Staff provide a variety of stimulating activities that cover all areas of learning.Younger children develop their physical skills as they use different tools during a large-scale painting activity. They manipulate brushes and rollers to make marks on paper.
Children further their learning as they take their shoes off and wiggle their toes in the paint. Older children find stones in the mud kitchen. They confidently count as they sort them and place them in bowls.
However, although staff are confident to share what they want children to learn during different activities, they do not always deliver these planned learning intentions. Furthermore, staff do not always understand how to extend children's learning, to help them further build on what they already know and can do.Older children independently serve themselves at lunchtime.
They confidently cut their own banana with a safety knife at snack time. However, staff do not always encourage younger children to do things for themselves.Staff help children to understand their own feelings and emotions as they play games and read stories.
They are good role models, encouraging children to use good manners, such as 'please' and 'thank you'. Older children learn how they are different from each other. They draw their own faces as they look in mirrors and discuss each others differences.
Children learn about their community as they go out on regular trips.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and her deputy have a strong understanding of their role as designated safeguarding leads.
Staff have regular training to keep their knowledge up to date on safeguarding matters, including how children can be drawn into extremism. Staff have a sound knowledge of the different types of abuse children can be subjected to. They understand who they need to report their concerns to if they are worried about a particular child.
This ensures children are kept safe from potential harm. The manager follows a robust recruitment policy and ensures staff are suitable to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to improve their delivery of activities in order to achieve planned learning intentions help staff to gain a better understanding of how to extend children's learning, building on what they already know and can do consistently support younger children to be independent.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.