Clee Kids Club

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About Clee Kids Club

Name Clee Kids Club
Address St. Aidans Church, Hart Street, Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire, DN35 7RQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthEastLincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff have arrangements in place to ensure children are supervised at all times, when collected from school and brought up to the out-of-school club rooms. Children are familiar with the routine of the setting and excitedly enter and begin their play. Staff support children's play by providing a wide range of resources, which they know the children enjoy.

For example, they recognise that children would like opportunities to write Christmas lists and cards and support them with these crafts. Older children offer support to their younger peers. They invite them into their play and help them to familiarise themselves with the routine the setting.

Staff offer reassurance to younger children and help them to settle in at the club. This contributes to children's emotional security. Staff support children with their behaviour.

Children are reminded about using good manners and this helps them to talk respectfully to adults and their peers. Children display positive behaviours and are confident in their discussions with adults. They enjoy their time in the setting and like meeting with their friends and doing the activities available.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have taken appropriate action since the last inspection and have addressed the previous actions. Staff now know the procedures they would follow should they have concerns about a child in their care. Staff have evaluated the setting to ensure improvements can continue to be made.

Children learn about appropriate behaviours as staff encourage them to use indoor voices and not to push their friends. They are reminded about the importance of not climbing on furniture. Staff patiently explain the reasons for this unwanted behaviour and talk about what is appropriate risk taking in the setting.

Staff are warm in their interactions with children. They engage them in purposeful play, encouraging them to make houses with the construction toys. They enter into ongoing dialogue about the creations and enable children to use their imaginations and creativity.

Staff encourage children to develop their gross motor skills when inside. They encourage them to practise their throwing skills and praise them for good catching. Children take turns seeing how far they can climb up a pole in the hall.

They measure their heights against it to see how this impacts how far they can get. Staff sufficiently supervise them as they climb.Staff support children's understanding of hygiene practices.

Children wash their hands before they eat snacks and after using the toilet. Staff remind children about why they have to wipe the tables clean before and after eating.Children are learning about healthy choices.

They self-select from a range of vegetable sticks and fruit options which accompany their snacks. Staff manage children's health needs well. They are aware of any allergies and appropriate action to take in the event of an emergency.

Parents appreciate the range of activities and outings provided for the children. They express gratitude for the support given by staff to ensure their children are able to settle and enjoy their time at the out-of-school club. Parents think the level of communication is appropriate and they know what their children are doing in the club.

Staff feedback to parents as children are collected. They recognise when more information sharing is required to ensure staff can fully support children in the setting. In addition, staff share information with other professionals working with the children, as required.

Staff use staff meetings and supervision to evaluate the service they provide. They seek feedback from the children and their parents to inform any areas they would like to improve upon. This enables them to continue to develop the provision.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff spoken with demonstrate a sound understanding of safeguarding. They understand the action they should take if concerned about a child or the actions of a colleague.

Staff are aware of ensuring children and their families know about keeping safe online. They ensure that children are appropriately supervised in the setting. They ensure the premises are secure to prevent unauthorised people entering.

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