Clopton Nursery Trust

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About Clopton Nursery Trust

Name Clopton Nursery Trust
Ofsted Inspections
Address Clopton Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6TE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this exceptionally high-quality provision. Staff take time and care to set up exciting play invitations that develop children's curiosity and extend their inquisitive nature.

Staff develop warm and trusting relationships with parents. They hold purposeful conversations to gather detailed information about the children. Staff then use this knowledge, coupled with their own professional expertise, to deliver finely tuned teaching to meet each child's needs.

The curriculum provides excellent support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders and staff have exc...eptionally high expectations, and all children, including those with SEND, make extremely strong progress. All children in the setting frequently access outdoor learning in their forest school area.

Children enthusiastically run up and down the hill in order to get to the exciting outdoor learning space. They delight in rolling down the hill and giggle with their peers as they do this. Staff skilfully teach children how to keep themselves safe and how to identify and manage risk.

They lead children enthusiastically in learning the rules of the provision through singing. Children are knowledgeable about the staff expectations and share these confidently with visitors. For example, they remind their visitor to walk around the outside of the log circle and not to touch the fire pit.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is inspirational and leads the staff team with integrity. She strives to consistently find new ways of improving all areas of the setting, ensuring the best possible outcomes for children. Staff are included in shaping the provision, and they are exceptionally enthusiastic and committed to their roles.

The team works seamlessly together and is driven to provide the highest-quality service for children.Parents are delighted with the provision. They are extremely complimentary about the nurturing relationships that staff develop with their children and how well they get to know them.

Parents feel fully involved and included in their children's learning and development. They are overwhelmingly positive about the broad range of experiences on offer and the excellent progress that their children make.The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) supports staff expertly.

As a result of this support and its own excellent knowledge, the staff team skilfully identifies gaps in children's development. Staff respond swiftly to provide targeted intervention and ensure that children get exactly the support they need to reach their potential. The staff team works in strong partnership with external agencies, which further contributes to improved outcomes for children with SEND.

Children's communication and language are supported extremely well. Staff use simple sign language and objects of reference consistently to help children communicate their needs. Children who speak English as an additional language make good progress.

Staff work closely with parents to learn key words and phrases. They pay careful attention to children's lived experiences and use this information to ensure that children develop a secure sense of connection. For example, staff use the theme tunes from children's favourite cartoons in their home language to welcome them into the setting.

Staff make the most of spontaneous and seasonal opportunities to extend children's learning. Children are enthralled by experiences where they explore the use of a range of natural resources that they collected on an autumn walk to mark make with paint. They are highly engaged and skilfully manipulate sticks, conkers and leaves to create a collaborative piece of artwork.

Staff provide exceptional opportunities for children to develop their own thoughts and ideas. They actively observe and tune into children's words and actions. Staff take a lead from children to further develop their learning and to ensure high levels of engagement.

For example, when children want to drive figures through rice in a sensory tray, staff copy their words and actions to both validate and extend their play.Staff ensure that children have every opportunity to develop their independence and practise their self-care skills. Thoughtful interactions encourage children to do things for themselves, as staff offer just the right amount of support.

Well-sequenced teaching builds on what children can already do and increases their confidence and self-awareness.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have high levels of knowledge and understanding of their role in protecting children from harm.

Effective policies and procedures underpin highly responsive practice. Staff attend regular training across a wide range of safeguarding issues. They are clear about the action to take if they are concerned about a child, and they maintain a highly professional and confidential approach.

Staff support children effectively to learn about safety and teach them how to manage risk through adventurous play. There is a highly effective safeguarding culture across the setting. Leaders actively extend and develop staff knowledge and confidence in order to ensure the provision reflects current legislation and guidance.

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