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About Clowning Around Ltd
Clowning Around Ltd
Ravenswood Youth Club, Ravenswood Road, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NE6 5TU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy to see staff when they collect them from school. As they arrive at the club, children confidently put their belongings away and find a seat at the table.
Staff start the session by inviting children to select what they would like to eat for their snack. Children are confident in making decisions and eagerly share their choices with their friends. They quickly get involved in their chosen activities.
Children look forward to outdoor play, where they have many opportunities to be physically active and burn off their energy. Older children particularly enjoy playing games of football with friends. Younger c...hildren strengthen their muscles as they weave and clamber on the climbing frame and swing on monkey bars.
Outdoors, children are competitive while racing each other using scooters and when running. Staff initiate and join in with playing a 'Crocodile, Crocodile' game. Children use their good mathematical skills as they play hide and seek, counting to 20 before running off to find their friends.
Children's behaviour is good. Staff give children gentle reminders of the club rules and behaviour expectations when needed. Children have good relationships with each other and play together, both in a team and in pairs.
When children are collected at the end of the session, they proudly show their parents their art creations.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have made significant improvements since the last inspection to raise the overall quality of provision. Staff have received support and training to enable them to understand and fulfil their role and responsibilities effectively.
They have reviewed the arrival and collection arrangements to ensure children's safety.Staff organise a welcoming and relaxed environment, where children are free to choose from the activities available. This approach complements the children's day at school and children enjoy their time at the club.
Staff plan a good range of activities around a variety of topics, such as the King's coronation and other events that captures children's interests. For example, staff know children enjoy craft activities, so invite them to create their own crowns for the coronation celebration.Children learn how to behave appropriately and manage their emotions, with support from staff.
Staff provide activities to support children to take turns and work together, so that they form friendships and develop their social skills. As a result, children are continuously happy and keen to join in with the broad range of experiences on offer to them.Children are fully engaged in their play and sustain good levels of concentration.
For example, they enjoy a game of swing ball. They show great perseverance in their attempts to bat the ball and are not deterred when the rope becomes tangled. Staff are deployed effectively to ensure that they can support the children and meet their individual needs.
This makes children feel safe and secure.Staff promote children's good health during their time at the club. They encourage children to drink water regularly and provide them with a varied range of snacks during their time at the club.
They demonstrate a sound understanding of any individual dietary needs. However, staff do not always make the most of opportunities to extend children's skills further. For example, they do not encourage children to make their own snacks to help improve their independence and life skills even further.
Staff say that they are happy in their roles and report that they are well supported by the leadership team. They receive regular supervision to review their performance and identify any training they may benefit from. Staff have access to an online training platform, which they use to continually update their knowledge and skills.
Parents have very positive views about the club. They appreciate the care that their children receive and how staff keep them entertained with the various activities on offer. Staff routinely inform parents about their children's achievements.
They talk to parents about things that happen during the school day as well as at the club. Staff forge good working relationships with the school. They take time to speak to teachers about the children and relay feedback and messages to the parents from the school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a secure understanding of how to protect children and understand the procedures to follow if they identify any concerns about a child's welfare. Leaders follow robust recruitment procedures to ensure staff suitability.
They keep up to date with their knowledge of local safeguarding concerns and train their staff on a regular basis. Staff know what to do should they have concerns about the conduct of a colleague. They are vigilant about children's safety and supervise them well as they play.