Club 4 U Ltd

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About Club 4 U Ltd

Name Club 4 U Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Eastfield School, Pig Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 5QT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are cared for in a safe, secure environment. Managers and staff regularly check aspects of the provision to minimise potential risks to children. They deploy themselves effectively to supervise children and keep them safe.

On outings, children wear high-visibility jackets and are taught about the dangers of the road. Children independently access a good range of resources and activities that cover the seven areas of learning. This motivates them to investigate and explore their surroundings.

Children demonstrate that they feel safe and form trusting relationships with staff. This successfully supports children...'s emotional development. Children who have recently started at the playgroup settle quickly, demonstrate a sense of belonging and are supported to manage their behaviours effectively.

Older children attending the breakfast and after-school club behave well. Young children, including children who speak English as an additional language, are actively encouraged to develop their communication and language skills. They thoroughly enjoy being physically active in the outdoor environment and enjoy forest school activities.

They learn about the natural environment and enjoy searching for worms under logs. Children participate in activities around the local community, which broadens their range of experiences. For example, they enjoy visits to meet elderly people and attend rhyme and story sessions at the library.

Older children attending the breakfast and after-school club enjoy playing board games and pretend to be magicians.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The management team and staff demonstrate a strong commitment to providing children with good-quality care and meaningful learning experiences across the curriculum. They have formed a strong team ethos.

Staff training is targeted to meet children's individual needs. For example, staff have attended speech and language courses to enhance support for children who speak English as an additional language.Staff know the children well and actively become involved in their play.

They regularly observe children to assess what children know and can do, which informs their teaching effectively. Staff encourage children to solve problems and talk to the children about what they are doing. For example, younger children are encouraged to count the bricks as they learn how to stack one brick on top of another.

Children smile and demonstrate their enjoyment when the bricks fall over.Staff place a strong focus on developing children's communication and language skills. They successfully introduce new vocabulary, such as 'pour', 'spin' and 'splash' as children scoop water to pour over the water wheel.

Additionally, staff introduce sounds associated to the children's play. For example, they encourage children to say 'choo, choo' as they play with the train.Children thoroughly enjoy playing outside in the fresh air and develop their physical skills as they use tools to dig in the sand.

Young children demonstrate increasing control and coordination skills as they pour water from one container to another. They balance on wooden planks and climb over the tyres.All children are encouraged to develop their independence and to take responsibility.

For example, younger children collect their own utensils as they prepare for their snack. Older children attending the breakfast club confidently and safely use the toaster. They persevere as they butter their own toast, serve their own cereals and sensibly tidy away their utensils when they have finished.

Children demonstrate good table manners and social skills.Staff have high expectations for the children's behaviours. They support younger children to manage their emotions effectively.

For example, staff explain why some behaviours are not acceptable and distract younger children, which successfully reduces their anxieties. Children are encouraged to be kind to one another, to share resources and to take their turn.Staff understand the importance of developing effective partnerships with parents and are continually looking at ways to enhance this even further.

For example, they plan to introduce home visits. Staff encourage parents to share information about their child's care needs and stage of development on entry and offer settling-in sessions. This supports continuity of care and aids transitions from the home to the provision.

Parents comment very positively about the provision.Managers and staff work with other professionals and agencies effectively to support children and their families. For example, close relationships have been developed with local speech and language therapists.

This enables children to get additional support at the earliest possible opportunity. Additionally, partnerships have been established with staff at the adjoining school. Meetings are held to discuss how staff can continue to support and complement children's ongoing development.

Supervision procedures are used to support and monitor staff practice. This includes the recent implementation of peer-on-peer observations. However, procedures are not yet fully effective in order to raise the quality of staff's teaching to the highest level.

The organisation of group activities, such as reading a story to the children, does not always support younger children to concentrate and develop their literacy skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff have a secure understanding of their child protection procedures.

They attend regular safeguarding training to refresh their knowledge. Managers and staff are aware of the indicators of abuse, including their responsibilities to protect children from extreme views and behaviour. They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare.

This supports children to stay safe and promotes their well-being. Secure recruitment and induction procedures help to ensure that anyone working with children is safe and suitable for their role and responsibilities.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nembed performance management arrangements to support all staff to raise the quality of their teaching to the highest level review the organisation of group activities to support children's concentration and literacy skills.

Also at this postcode
Eastfield Infant and Nursery School

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